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My People Plugin: All Versions / Description

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2022 3:03 pm
by whmoorejr
The My People Plugin is meant to be more of an organization tool.

This plugin lets you create a device called a "Person". Each "Person" device is loaded with custom states. The states can be populated in a number of ways.

Updating a Person Device with Actions
There are three main actions to populate your "Person". Depending on polling frequency, the plugin will update states on it's own if you use something dynamic like a variable or another device state.
1) Text to Statekey. This will take any text you enter and populate that particular state for the person you created. The text can be anything including a reference to another device state or variable.
2) Variable to Statekey. This lets you select the statekey you want to populate then use a drop down list of your variables.
3) Statekey to Statekey. This lets you select the statekey for your person you want to populate, then select another device and a list of available states for that device.

Note: To make it easier to fill in a person's information, there is an "Update Now" button (so you don't have to save/close/run the action to make the update).

Updating a Person Device with Actions / Scripting - Part 2
There are a bunch of statekey specific actions that are in a "legacy" sub menu. I left them in the plugin for scripting purposes. See scripting example thread:

Updating a Person Device with Triggers
Once you have created a person, a lot of the information I assume will be relatively static... like name, email, phone. Some states will probably be dynamic.... like Lattitude/Longitude. Home/Away. This is where you can use the plugin of your choice for presence monitoring to populate the state of a person using one of the My People actions or a custom script. This plugin also has the ability to trigger off of a change in the state of a person (but I don't have a case use for that ability yet)

Now Showing
Ok, this is the bread and butter of the plugin. When you first install the plugin, it will create a person device named "Now Showing". The plugin has actions that can scroll through the person devices or even go to a specific person device. This way you can create a single control page to display all the people devices. Basically the Now Showing device is a shell. When you run the different "Now Showing" actions, all the states from the source "Person" are copied over the "Now Showing" device. So, one page that displays all the states for the one "Now Showing" device, can display all the person devices you have created.
Here is an example I created as a reference:

And that's basically it....
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions.... I have a thread for that as well: