Using MQTT with Amazon IoT Broker

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Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:18 pm
FlyingDiver offline
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Re: Releases, Bugs, Issues, Requests

mreyn2005 wrote:
1) The default Device Publish Template is not producing valid JSON. Single quotes... vs double.... vs none. I will play with the format and report back what works. The AWS IoT console has a test client and when it receives messages, it's complaining that incoming messages are not JSON.

That's certainly possible. I did test it when I wrote it, but I may have messed things up since then.

mreyn2005 wrote:
2) How do I Publish Device Data for all devices by default? If I add every device to the Publish list, that will work. If I use the Excludes checkbox and don't add any devices to the list, I would expect it to publish a change event for every device (since none are excluded)... Is that not how that works?

That's how it's supposed to work. Turn on detailed debugging (briefly) and post the logs. I'm looking at the code and it's possible I'm not handling the boolean properly.

I would be very careful about trying to publish every device, unless you don't have that many. That code is not very optimized and is likely to be a serious resource hog.

joe (aka FlyingDiver)
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