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X10 Stopped Working

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:39 pm
by Decker

I have a house mixed with x10 and Insteon and everything was working 99% of the time. I accidentally unplugged my mac mini the other day and could not get it to boot back up. After hours of trying I was able to reformat and start from scratch. The only problem is that now I cannot control any x10 devices using the same 2413u as I was using. Status requests go unanswered and any x10 commands are not heard by devices. I tried reseting and syncing links in the device setup on the 2413u but nothing....Insteon works fine though.

I did plug in my old x10 cm15 and the x10 works perfectly so it's something with the 2413u. Is there something I can try to get x10 working on the 2413u or do I need to order another one?



Re: X10 Stopped Working

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:33 am
by matt (support)
Hi James,

Unfortunately, it sounds like it has malfunctioned and is no longer sending X10 commands. There have been a few reports of this occurring (X10 fails, but INSTEON continues to work). The 2413U has a 2 year warrant I believe, so you should try to get it swapped out.