Sending a string to a device

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Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:17 pm
Vangelis offline
Posts: 167
Joined: Mar 18, 2014
Location: Southampton (UK)

Sending a string to a device

Have a question that either Perry or the masses might be able to answer.

I need to send a string to a device in order to login to it, so I setup the Plugin with the IP and port and create an action group to send a string

I need to send the following ....

<control> C LI1234 or in Win7 it comes up as the 'Heart' symbol so 'Heart Symbol'LI1234 (apologies, not sure how to generate the symbol on the Mac). I have also seen that it can be represented as /03 (but again not sure of the correct syntax to send)

One thing I noticed is that in the action group panel it shows what it's going to send and its changed the string to lower case (not in the input filed but the status) So not sure what it;s sending is correct??


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