New Alexa user

Posted on
Tue Oct 31, 2017 1:55 pm
vtmikel offline
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New Alexa user


I'm brand new to using anything with Alexa. I decided to buy a dot this week (it's on the way). The recent announcement of Sonos integrating with Alexa, including the upcoming Spotify support, has me intrigued. This plugin giving me control of my lights and indigo actions are also a reason for me buying.

Question 1: Should I use the Alexa-Hue bridge plugin for my lutron switches and dimmers, as they natively support Alexa with their own skill? I'm successfully using the Lutron plugin for Indigo. Lutron is about 95% of my lights in my house. I have a few Z-wave smart plugs that control plug in lamps. My preference would be to use this plugin, but I'd appreciate thoughts on the pros and cons of using this plugin, the lutron skill, or both.

Question 2: I'm a big user of the Sonos plugin for Indigo. Will this interfere with that? I understand the conflict is only during the device discovery process?

Question 3: Are people successfully using this plugin to integrate with Sonos as well? Or, has the recent Sonos announcements made that irrelevant?

Thanks in advance.

Posted on
Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:21 pm
Londonmark offline
Posts: 509
Joined: Feb 29, 2012

Re: New Alexa user

On 2, I’ve not encountered any interference. The Sonos plugin works as before.
On 3, I have created action groups to play specific playlists and can get Alexa to start them with “Turn on XYZ playlist”. That at least means I avoid some of the limitations of Spotify integration not being ready. It also means the Dot definitely plays through my Play 3 rather than just playing music itself. It’s pretty easy to forget to add “in the living room” when asking for something to be played.

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