Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

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Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:58 pm
Colorado4Wheeler offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

So there could be a few things to look at that could shine some light on or fix this problem altogether:

  • Go to Plugins -> EPS Homebridge Buddy -> Show Homebridge Log -> Select your server and "show". Let's first see if HB is puking on something
  • If you had messed around with HB or HBB prior and everything is working BUT you still cannot see it in the home app then you should try changing the credentials to force HomeKit to refresh it's data and present you with the device again: Double Click Homebridge Server Device -> Edit Device Settings -> Change dropdown to Homebridge Configuration -> Change any character of the user to be any valid hex character (just change a zero to a 1-9 should be enough), then Go to Plugins -> EPS Homebridge Buddy -> Save Homebridge Config and Reload -> Select your HB server from the list and click Save

Changing the username will force Home to refresh the database - a database that can get corrupted or otherwise unreachable easily, especially if you have had issues before - and that may be all you need to do. If your log shows ANY errors at all please post them here so we can evaluate them.

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Posted on
Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:40 pm
Johnfowles offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

Thanks for your help.

I had already tried to get the log but the point is I don’t get it. When I click on show log, the dialog closes but nothing shows. I am not sure about where I should find the log if it does not appear automatically.

I also tried to change the ID to no avail. I have a doubt however because I am not on the same network as the server. I am doing this remotely and not sure Homekit can add or show Homebridge in this way. My holiday home is far away.

The log thing is strange though.

Posted on
Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:48 pm
Colorado4Wheeler offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

Johnfowles wrote:
When I click on show log, the dialog closes but nothing shows

It will output to the Indigo log.
Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 2.47.17 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 2.47.17 PM.png (53.16 KiB) Viewed 3014 times

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Posted on
Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:05 pm
Johnfowles offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

Here are two log segments:

The first is after using the save and reload config, the second after reloading the plugin completely. In the first one, it never displays the ready to use message.

19 déc. 2017 à 23:02:26
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Building configuration for 'HomebridgeBuddy'
EPS - Homebridge Buddy

# #
# Devices for Homebridge to parse : 26 #
# Included devices that Homebridge can use : 11 #
# Devices over 99 that won't work : 0 #
# #

EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug {
"bridge": {
"name": "HomebridgeBuddy",
"username": "DD:22:3D:E3:CE:38",
"port": 51826,
"pin": "031-45-154"

"description": "Homebridge-Indigo configuration generated by EPS Homebridge Buddy on 2017-12-19 23:02:26 for device HomebridgeBuddy",

"platforms": [
"platform": "Indigo",
"name": "HomebridgeBuddy",
"protocol": "http",
"host": "",
"port": "8176",
"path": "",
"username": "*****",
"password": "*****",
"includeActions": false,
"includeIds": ["39529999", "1857750551", "1722475616", "1353956685", "352841105", "1472567402", "1870001529", "1288948458", "29711212", "93816250", "1255257619"],
"treatAsSwitchIds": ["1722475616", "1288948458"],
"invertOnOffIds": ["1722475616"],
"thermostatsInCelsius": true,
"accessoryNamePrefix": ""

"accessories": [
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Saving '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7/Plugins/EPS Homebridge.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/bin/hb/homebridge/590842620/config.json'
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Warning Stopping the Homebridge server 'HomebridgeBuddy'
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Starting the Homebridge server 'HomebridgeBuddy', do not try to use Siri until you get a message that the server has started

19 déc. 2017 à 23:03:29
Reloading plugin "EPS - Homebridge Buddy 1.0.1"
Stopping plugin "EPS - Homebridge Buddy 1.0.1" (pid 38766)
Stopped plugin "EPS - Homebridge Buddy 1.0.1"
Starting plugin "EPS - Homebridge Buddy 1.0.1" (pid 38790)
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Refreshing plugin information
Started plugin "EPS - Homebridge Buddy 1.0.1"
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Starting the Homebridge server 'HomebridgeBuddy', do not try to use Siri until you get a message that the server has started
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Adding HomebridgeBuddy to cache
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Automatically adding watched device 'Chauffage' to cache as a watched item
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Automatically adding watched device 'Grille-pain' to cache as a watched item
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Automatically adding watched device 'Sapin' to cache as a watched item
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Automatically adding watched device 'Console' to cache as a watched item
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Automatically adding watched device 'Balustrade' to cache as a watched item
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Automatically adding watched device 'Facade' to cache as a watched item
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Automatically adding watched device 'Terrasse' to cache as a watched item
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Automatically adding watched device 'Buffet' to cache as a watched item
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Automatically adding watched device 'Lampadaire' to cache as a watched item
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Automatically adding watched device 'Table' to cache as a watched item
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Debug Automatically adding watched device 'Mediacenter ' to cache as a watched item
EPS - Homebridge Buddy EPS - Homebridge Buddy is loaded and ready to use

Posted on
Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:08 pm
Colorado4Wheeler offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

Thanks John, that's a great start but it's the config, if you could dump the log file then I think we might just get to the bottom of what may be happening.
Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 3.07.46 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 3.07.46 PM.png (168.62 KiB) Viewed 3032 times

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Posted on
Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:19 pm
Colorado4Wheeler offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

Oh and I edited your post to remove the username and password you posted :shock:

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Posted on
Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:31 pm
Johnfowles offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

I cannot dump the log because nothing shows up. What I get in the log file (the event log from Indigo shows nothing with this command). If I open the log folder and find the actual file, for each occurence of the command Who Log, I get this, nothing more.

2017-12-19 23:27:39.491 THREADDEBUG Plugin.ui getCustomList Generating custom list 'plugin' (filter: index=server, callback=listServersEx), typeId of logHB, targetId of 0 and arguments: {u'callback': u'listServersEx'}

Posted on
Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:36 pm
Colorado4Wheeler offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

Truly a mystery. I could initiate a remote access to your system and poke around with you at some point, we would need to coordinate schedules and exchange Skype info.

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Posted on
Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:45 am
Johnfowles offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

Thanks a lot for the removal of passwords...
It was very late in the night for me as we are a few time zones apart. We could schedule something next week after xmas as i will be physically whre the server is.
I could also uninstall and start anew but this is a point, it is not clear at all what has to be removed to reset completely. It might be the shortest route for my simple installation. It wont help debug though.

Posted on
Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:32 am
mlooss offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

mlooss wrote:
I also updated to Indigo 7.1 and then 7.1.1 and all my devices now keep saying that they are updating, but they never do? Is this an isolated issue, because I thought many more user were using Siri with this plug-in, but I don't see many issues reported. I ams till running OS X 10.11.6 on Mac mini and I am considering upgrading to macOS High Sierra now, since there finally is a plug-in to TotalConnect2,

I am little behind in updates, after having just made it through Hurricane Irma and Maria here in the Caribbean. Spent the first two weeks with no power and no communication to the outside world and the last two month without my Indigo HA setup. My UPS units don't like the electrical power coming from my generator and I ended up keeping everything shutdown for almost two months.

I really liked having Indigo working with HomeKit and Siri and hope a fix will be available soon.


I solved my issue, by removing the Indigo Home Bridge from the Apple Home app and adding it again, now all devices are responding again and I should have posted this info earlier, but was just to busy and excited to have it work again. The Apple Home app has become my primary app to control my HA setup, thanks for this great plug-in.

Posted on
Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:34 am
Colorado4Wheeler offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

mlooss wrote:
I solved my issue, by removing the Indigo Home Bridge from the Apple Home app and adding it again, now all devices are responding again and I should have posted this info earlier, but was just to busy and excited to have it work again.

That's just HomeKit and you aren't alone in that solution! I'm glad it's working for you!

mlooss wrote:
The Apple Home app has become my primary app to control my HA setup

That, along with using my Amazon Exchos, have been 99.9% of my HA setup now. All plugins I write or maintain are in support of voice activated HA only as a result. I had 9 iPads around the house for control pages, I have just two (one for me, one for the kitchen recipes but even that will go away after Christmas). I believe it is how HA will be.

Johnfowles wrote:
I could also uninstall and start anew but this is a point, it is not clear at all what has to be removed to reset completely.

Honestly that is what I would do if you haven't gotten it working. It's a pretty simple setup. Just delete your HBB plugin from the plugins folder and download the latest and start fresh. I never asked what version you are running but there've been a couple updates in the past two months and I'm about to post another update in the next few days. If you go this route then do as mloos suggested and delete your accessories/devices from HomeKit because those will never come back if they haven't already.

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Posted on
Wed Dec 20, 2017 8:50 am
mlooss offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

Colorado4Wheeler wrote:
Are you still having this problem? I'm running Sierra (NOT running HS on the recommendation of Indigo devs) and the latest Indigo without any issues.

No problem with Sierra since I removed and added Homebridge for Indigo, but I just installed your v 1.0.2 release and HBB will not start, I am in the process of various troubleshooting steps and now I will restart my server and if the problem is not solve, I will post my issue.

One question, I never installed the Indigo Homebridge, only ever installed HBB. Can the full Indigo Homebridge be installed on top of HBB, to gain access to some of the more advanced features like cameras?


Posted on
Wed Dec 20, 2017 9:37 am
Colorado4Wheeler offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

mlooss wrote:
Can the full Indigo Homebridge be installed on top of HBB, to gain access to some of the more advanced features like cameras?

YES! You can install the full HB and HBB will manage that as well. In fact, HBB was originally designed exclusively as a means to manage HB-Indigo and morphed into a self contained HB server at the request of the Indigo devs so that there was a one-step simple HomeKit setup for Indigo.

My Modest Contributions to Indigo:

HomeKit Bridge | Device Extensions | Security Manager | LCD Creator | Room-O-Matic | Smart Dimmer | Scene Toggle | Powermiser | Homebridge Buddy

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Posted on
Thu Dec 21, 2017 4:33 am
Johnfowles offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

I tried installing 1.0.3 and then 1.0.5 (which shows as 1.0.4 although I downloaded it minutes ago from Github).
It did not improve anything so I deleted the whole lot, cleaned preferences, restarted Indigo Server a few times without HBB and any other plug-ins.

I then reinstalled the fresh copy of HBB 1.0.4/1.0.5 but cannot it to start properly. I get the following errors:

21 déc. 2017 à 11:28:13
EPS - Homebridge Buddy Error Exception in plugin.menuSave line 2996: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'default'
CODE: config = self.buildServerConfig (indigo.devices[int(valuesDict["server"])])

EPS - Homebridge Buddy Error Exception in plugin.menuReload line 2894: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'default'
CODE: self.homebridgeRestart (indigo.devices[int(valuesDict["server"])])

Posted on
Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:12 am
Colorado4Wheeler offline
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Re: Not responding after Indigo 7.1 update

That message appears that one of your wrappers or aliases does not have a server assigned to it. It's on my list to do more validation of wrappers and aliases (and plugin devices) to make sure you don't skip things like this and it's one of the things that has prevented me from releasing a new "official" release of HBB and sticking with dev releases until I clean up some of that.

Check all Homebridge devices (not just the servers, but aliases, wrappers and every HBB device you can create), I'm willing to bet one of them doesn't have a server that it's been told to attach to.

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