Indigo 4.1.0 Released

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Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:18 pm
jay (support) offline
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Indigo 4.1.0 Released

Indigo 4.1.0

We're happy to announce the immediate availability of Indigo 4.1.0, a free update for all 4.0 customers. We recommend this update to all Indigo 4.0 users since there are several fixes included in this release. See below for a list of new features and changes.

New features:
  • We've added support for the PowerLinc Modem (2412U/2412S, aka PLM). The PLM features the latest INSTEON technology which includes the ability to use extended INSTEON commands. Many new devices offer advanced functionality via these extended commands, so the PowerLinc Controller (2414U, aka PLC) will not be able to take advantage of those. The PLM also syncs INSTEON links significantly faster than the PLC. The downside for the PLM is that it can't run in standalone mode (your Mac must be on and connected for your automation to work). Read this Wiki article for more information comparing the 2414U and the 2412U.

    Note: because the PLM requires the user to install the FTDI Serial to USB Virtual Comm Port driver, when you select the PLM in the Interface Preference dialog, we check to see if the driver is present and if we don't find it we offer to open your browser to the FTDI driver download page.
  • PRO Only: We've beefed up the image selection heuristics for device states and variable values in Control Pages and in Indigo Touch (with the upcoming release of v1.5). This feature will allow much more fine-grained image selection based on the state of the device or on the value of a variable. Check out the Wiki for information about this new exciting feature.
  • PRO Only: Finally, a way to create complex conditionals. Many people have requested that we allow multiple conditions for events: while we still want to create a native way of doing this in the UI, we've added the ability to execute an embedded AppleScript that returns TRUE or FALSE. This allows you to create very complex conditions and keep your condition logic separate from your action logic.
  • Another frequently requested feature was to create a symbolic link to the current log file - a common practice on *nix computers so that automated tools always know what the current log file is. Now every night when the log file automatically rolls, a symlink called indigo_log.txt is created to the new log file.
Other General Improvements:
  • Added support for the INSTEON In-LineLinc Relay with Sense feature.
  • Added support for INSTEON KeypadLinc Dimmer (new firmware version), KeypadLinc Timer, INSTEON SwitchLinc Relay (new firmware version).
  • Added support for SwitchLinc V2 Relay type ID number 537.
  • Added new Control Page option, Hide Tab Bar at bottom of Indigo Touch when shown, to the Control Page Editor dialog. This option is only functional with upcoming release of Indigo Touch v1.5.
  • Added option to send anonymous system information (ex: OS version, number of devices used) when checking for new versions.
  • Improved automatic reconnection of serial based interfaces.
  • Improved INSTEON link syncing performance.
  • Improved the NOAA Script so that when the source file stops including an expected value a better error message is displayed in the log.
  • Modified internal Web server to work better with Python 2.6 (default under OS X 10.6).
  • Rebuilt help index file to try to avoid OS X 10.6 Help Viewer crash.
  • Fixed installer issue that would cause user defined settings to the IndigoSqlClient.conf file to be overwritten.
  • Fixed UI bug that caused items whose name starts with "@" to throw an error when trying to move to another folder.
  • Fixed UI bug that prevented EZIO6I from being visible in the Actions panel.
  • Fixed UI bug that caused the Remote Display column in the Devices table to not sort correctly and throw an error when the checkbox was on.
  • Fixed UI bug that caused, under OS X 10.6, list items in the Main Window to become unselected when updated.
  • Fixed CM15 (firmware 2 only) incompatibility that caused incoming X10 RF commands to be dropped in some cases and duplicated in others.
  • Fixed bug that would sometimes cause INSTEON links to be deleted after a sync failure.
  • Fixed bug that caused bogus error message when an already existing INSTEON link is re-added to the PowerLinc 2412U.
  • Fixed bug that caused incorrect HTTP authentication failure message to display after wrong password was entered.
  • Fixed bug that caused Device State Changed trigger types to not detect brightness level transitions correctly.
  • Fixed bug that occasionally caused a benign timeout error to be logged when accessing an Indigo Server via an iPhone or other mobile Web browser.

Thanks Beta Testers!

As always, we had an incredibly productive and useful beta cycle. Thanks to everyone who made requests, comments and bug reports. Indigo is truly a community fueled development effort thanks to the involvement of you all.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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