Sonoma bugs and our recommendation

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Mon Nov 20, 2023 1:30 pm
jay (support) offline
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Sonoma bugs and our recommendation

While we haven't had any reports of Sonoma specific Indigo bugs, we've had several users report Sonoma issues unrelated to Indigo. We have found several bugs ourself (again, not related to Indigo). And when looking out across the net, there seems to be a bunch of Sonoma bug reports. We know that many users here have upgraded and haven't had any issues, and we're really glad they haven't. However, given what we've been hearing, it's our recommendation that if you haven't already upgraded to Sonoma you should wait. For several bug fix releases at least.

On a personal note, if I had to do it again, I might entirely skip Sonoma and wait for next year's release hoping that the quality would be better. And, TBH, if things continue to get worse, I might wipe my disk, install an older release, and start over. I NEVER want to do that, but if my development environment isn't stable, it will have repercussions to Indigo releases moving forward.

If you have already upgraded, and don't want to take the wipe and restart approach, then you'll definitely want to update every time there's a new dot release. Hopefully Apple has realized that it has a serious quality issue (they did send out an internal email last week saying that they were pausing all new feature development to fix bugs) and are taking the appropriate steps to harden up this release.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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