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New user, questions

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2020 7:11 pm
by mikkyo
I managed to get a pi setup, and connected to Indigo.
Forgive me, new user not very familiar with bluetooth, so I had a really hard time digging through all these posts trying to find out what was current or still valid, or how to do stuff, and am still quite unsure of many things.

Ok so pi is booted, connected to Indigo, got a pile of beacons that showed up...
I would like to add my iPhone, via some manner, what is easiest way?
If someone could post simple instructions, that would be great.
I see stuff about beacon, BLEconnect, other stuff filtering on uuid, but it isn't clear to me how to figure out what to put where.

I noticed looking in the
/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Logs/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/plugin.log I see some failure to download..

Code: Select all
2020-05-17 17:45:12 creating new beacon,  received from pi #  0/B8:27:EB:B6:43:3E:   beacon-68:53:59:8A:30:8E  UUID: 011a020a0c0aff4c001005-276-785
2020-05-17 17:45:12 MAP2Vendor initializing  still waitinmg for download
2020-05-17 17:45:12 MAP2Vendor initializing  still waitinmg for download
2020-05-17 17:45:12 creating new beacon,  received from pi #  0/B8:27:EB:B6:43:3E:   beacon-08:74:E8:B2:82:AE  UUID: 011b0bff4c00090603-7434-1
2020-05-17 17:45:12 MAP2Vendor initializing  still waitinmg for download
2020-05-17 17:45:12 MAP2Vendor initializing  still waitinmg for download
2020-05-17 17:46:12 creating new beacon,  received from pi #  0/B8:27:EB:B6:43:3E:   beacon-76:74:70:22:C7:2A  UUID: 0a0c0bff4c00100613-7753-56702
2020-05-17 17:46:12 MAP2Vendor initializing  still waitinmg for download
2020-05-17 17:46:12 MAP2Vendor initializing  still waitinmg for download
2020-05-17 17:46:12 creating new beacon,  received from pi #  0/B8:27:EB:B6:43:3E:   beacon-44:40:E9:39:AA:A8  UUID: 01060aff4c001005-19228-52404
2020-05-17 17:46:12 MAP2Vendor initializing  still waitinmg for download
2020-05-17 17:46:12 MAP2Vendor initializing  still waitinmg for download
2020-05-17 17:46:12 creating new beacon,  received from pi #  0/B8:27:EB:B6:43:3E:   beacon-60:B6:4F:88:71:51  UUID: 01060aff4c001005-19228-32334
2020-05-17 17:46:12 MAP2Vendor initializing  still waitinmg for download
2020-05-17 17:46:12 MAP2Vendor initializing  still waitinmg for download

What is MAP2Vendor, and why can't it download?

So I have a ton of beacons showing up... I haven't seen any write up on just how to figure out what they all are.
What is the best way to figure out how to map beacons to physical devices so they can be properly named/tracked?
I've read mention about "dumping beacon info" but no info on how to do that.

It would be most helpful to have step by step instructions for any answers, please.

I actually find the interface on the plugin to remotely trigger stuff, then jump into a Terminal window to read some log, harder to work with, than simply ssh'ing into the pi and running commands there.
That seems more direct and easier to follow, but can work with either with explicit instructions.

Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can provide.

Re: New user, questions

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2020 7:57 pm
by kw123
I suggest to go through the "announcements"
ie #4, 1, 7,

but here the short version:
The devices you are getting real devices are either in your house or walk by your house (they likely expire after 3 minutes) anything that send BLE broadcasts is detected
I suggest to set in config accept beacons signal > -60 , then only beacons that are really close to your RPi will get added
I have a beacon_created and a beacon folder. When I have identified a beacon, I move it to the beacon folder, junk beacons can be simply deleted.

To id your beacon, put it onto your RPI let it sit there for 2 minutes and then check the signal strength of the beacons. If you have the candidate with the biggest signal, move it 5 m away and check the signal strength again if no change, try the next one. That always seems to work.

You can also run one of the utilities in send/get .. menu "get ibeaconlist.." that will run hcitool lescan on the rpi and will print the result in the logfile

as for the mac 2 vendor: The plugin will try to download a mapping table to populate the devices state "vendor".. if that does not work the state will stay empty.
Code: Select all
/usr/bin/curl -L 
if that works. that is one of the conneds to download the table
the files should be in /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/mac2Vendor
{EDIT] these are real large files!! it will take some time [\EDIT]

as for BLE connect: that is not a passive listening process but the rpi will ping the phone and wait for an answer. you need to supply the BLE MAC number of your iPhone (in configuration on your phone. it kind of works but not as reliable as ibeacons. And you need to add an indigo device pibeacon/ BLEconnect device, enter the MAC# and select the RPI that should scan for the phone

And I strongly suggest to have >=3 RPI distributed in your home. Then they will see each other (help with stability of signals) and you can triangulate the position of your ibeacons
I have 15 ibeacon RPI and 10 sensor RPI in my house and outside. A little on the high site but now I know exactly where I am ;)

You can also setup a "car device".
for that you need 1 USB ibeacon in the usb charger of the car one battery beacon in the car(i have one w 3 AA batteries) and one ibeacon on each key ring. Then the "car" device will show:
home / away -- arriving / leaving -- motor on/off

and some other things
hope that helps a little


Re: New user, questions

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2020 8:19 pm
by kw123
the MAC2 vendor has a bug in creating the directory for the files
you can fix this by creating the directory:
/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/mac2Vendor
and restarting the plugin
then it should work fine

will fix w the next release


Re: New user, questions

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:19 am
by mikkyo
Ok Finally had some time to mess around with this and try and make some sense of it...
Bear with me, while I try to follow along.
I suggest to go through the "announcements" viewforum.php?f=187
ie #4, 1, 7,

Yeah, I read through everything before I even posted..
but here the short version:
The devices you are getting real devices are either in your house or walk by your house (they likely expire after 3 minutes) anything that send BLE broadcasts is detected
I suggest to set in config accept beacons signal > -60 , then only beacons that are really close to your RPi will get added

Ok, I assume you meant
In Indigo, go to Plugins Menu piBeacon:Configure...: and change Accept New Beacons to Signal GT -60 dBm.
I did that, still have a dozens of beacons..
I have a beacon_created and a beacon folder. When I have identified a beacon, I move it to the beacon folder, junk beacons can be simply deleted.

Where do you have this "Folder" and how did you create it? Is this in the Indigo Devices interface or??
To id your beacon, put it onto your RPI let it sit there for 2 minutes and then check the signal strength of the beacons. If you have the candidate with the biggest signal, move it 5 m away and check the signal strength again if no change, try the next one. That always seems to work.

This would be a bit hard to do with my Car, or washing machine, or Coffee maker, but I can try with my phone. :-)
Just one thing, how do you "check the signal strength of the beacons"?
You can also run one of the utilities in send/get .. menu "get ibeaconlist.." that will run hcitool lescan on the rpi and will print the result in the logfile

I assume you mean
In Indigo, go to Plugins Menu piBeacon:Send/getConfig/Restart/PGM/Sound/ rPi server - I think I would have named that "Interact with rPi Server" - and
choose the 0 item for Select rPi server #: at the top and
click one of the buttons (does it matter which one?) of the 2 get iBeacon list (using hci0/1 from rPi); will collect data for 30secs

I choose hci0, then figured out where the log file was, go to, and cat
"/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Logs/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/plugin.log"
I get a list of a ton of beacon addresses (I'll include it at the bottom of the post).
Not sure how the helps me at all, but the command does function. :-)
as for the mac 2 vendor: The plugin will try to download a mapping table to populate the devices state "vendor".. if that does not work the state will stay empty.
Code: Select all
/usr/bin/curl -L

if that works. that is one of the conneds to download the table
the files should be in /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.karlwachs.piBeacon/mac2Vendor
{EDIT] these are real large files!! it will take some time [\EDIT]

Had no problem curling the file, didn't take long at all.
Code: Select all
time /usr/bin/curl -sLO
/usr/bin/curl -sLO  0.03s user 0.04s system 1% cpu 4.390 total

Saw your later reply and created the folder, restarted the plugin.
Nothing shows up in it though.
What is supposed to show up in "mac2vendor", and what uses it?
I'm hoping you somehow map the beacons to the vendors which would certainly help identify them, but if so I can't figure out where to see that mapping.

as for BLE connect: that is not a passive listening process but the rpi will ping the phone and wait for an answer. you need to supply the BLE MAC number of your iPhone (in configuration on your phone. it kind of works but not as reliable as ibeacons. And you need to add an indigo device pibeacon/ BLEconnect device, enter the MAC# and select the RPI that should scan for the phone

I'll try and figure that out, if I can't figure out how to do it some other way.
Is there another way?
Are there exact instructions to identify an iPhone as a beacon?

And I strongly suggest to have >=3 RPI distributed in your home. Then they will see each other (help with stability of signals) and you can triangulate the position of your ibeacons
I have 15 ibeacon RPI and 10 sensor RPI in my house and outside. A little on the high site but now I know exactly where I am ;)

10 seems a little extreme, given I can get a few hundred devices on 1.
I added a 2nd PiBeacon, so I could have more coverage, but until I can identify stuff, it will just add more beacons.

You can also setup a "car device".
for that you need 1 USB ibeacon in the usb charger of the car one battery beacon in the car(i have one w 3 AA batteries) and one ibeacon on each key ring. Then the "car" device will show:
home / away -- arriving / leaving -- motor on/off

Why wouldn't I just map the bluetooth in my car and track that as a beacon?
You mention in the setup posts how you will pick up tons of cars driving by, so I assume one could map one's own car.

I seem to have more questions than before, and still can't map a single beacon yet. :-(

Here is the beacon list I got:
Code: Select all
ibeaconList form Pi# 0 collected over 20 secs ==============: 
Pi#0 -
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 72:34:CE:8A:6B:9F (unknown)
Pi#0 - 72:34:CE:8A:6B:9F (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:FF:77:C8:93:3C (unknown)
Pi#0 - 74:5F:B9:E4:00:14 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 74:5F:B9:E4:00:14 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:FF:77:C8:93:3C ZZ4-US-KNA5046A
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:FF:77:C8:93:3C (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 72:34:CE:8A:6B:9F (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:FF:77:C8:93:3C (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 72:34:CE:8A:6B:9F (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 74:5F:B9:E4:00:14 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:FF:77:C8:93:3C (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:FF:77:C8:93:3C (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 74:5F:B9:E4:00:14 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 74:5F:B9:E4:00:14 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:FF:77:C8:93:3C (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:FF:77:C8:93:3C (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:FF:77:C8:93:3C (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 74:5F:B9:E4:00:14 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 72:34:CE:8A:6B:9F (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 39:EB:FB:6A:51:C8 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:69:CD:34:5D:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:FF:77:C8:93:3C (unknown)
Pi#0 - 05:7B:8E:44:14:46 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 45:D5:E0:2C:FB:CD (unknown)
Pi#0 - 75:DE:7D:1D:73:F3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 54:17:05:F3:2D:F2 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 70:A5:93:AC:DE:94 (unknown)
Pi#0 - 0B:C6:15:C9:F5:A3 (unknown)
Pi#0 - [1]+  Done                    sudo hcitool lescan
Pi#0 - nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'
Pi#0 -
Pi#0 - ibeaconList  END         ===================================

Re: New user, questions

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 7:21 am
by kw123
may be this helps:

There a re MANY devices sending blue tooth advertising packages and many that can interact w other devices

pibeacon can:
1. listen to beacon advertising messages
2. to a limited extend interact w some bluetooth devices
- phones: send a ping, get a response, !!phones are not beacons!! they do not send beacon packages on a regular basis.
- get battery level from some beacons
- make some beacons beep
# 1 and #2 can NOT be done at the same time on an RPi with ONE bluetooth adapter (if you add an external yes)
It is not meant to manage fridges, etc. Although I now know when my toothbrush is used and for how long :lol:

ID-ing beacons:
- "LESCAN": a simple BLE listening dump on the RPI that sometimes lists a string from which you can determine the vendor (that is the plugin menu tool that puts the long list into your plugin.log file)
- published MAC# registered. If a MAC # range is registered to vendor the plugin will know it and populate the device state "vendor" with that info.
- certain UUID strings that are in the advertising data have been mapped to vendors (xy-V2&3 not V4, nonda Aiko+ iHere, Rinex, Spotypal, radius, SocialRetail, Node-js, Jaale, Sanwo, ruuvitag). The plugin will automatically place that info into the description/notes field
- measuring the beacon signal strength: by moving a single beacon to and from the RPI you can ID individual beacons.

You will loose the" battle" if you just open up the gates and let devices be created for anything bluetooth. There will simply be too many devices - several hundred in a day
The plugin can help you to do white listing and black listing devices. You should use both

suggestion: for next steps - start from scratch and positively id your beacon(s)
0. stop accepting new beacons in config
1. delete all beacons you don't know
2. in menu delete beacon history files (to be able to re-accept a deleted beacon, once deleted that beacon is assumed to be junk)
3. set accepting new beacons to -60 dBm
4. place your beacon onto the RPI -- you will then see at least one beacon created, may be some more .. leave on for ~ 2 minutes
5. stop accepting new beacons in config
6. move your beacon away from the RPI, wait a minute, check if signal is lower at a certain beacon device
7. move beacon back to the RPI, wait a minute, check if signal is stronger again for that beacon device
8. change the name of that beacon to what ever you like (eg red beacon) , and I suggest to move it to a different folder (eg "my beacons" that you create in indigo devices)
.. repeat 3-8 for each beacon you want to register.
9. after you are done delete the other "junk" beacons
10. when you get an additional beacon repeat #3-9

I suggest to get one of the "known" beacons. the plugin will ID them and you can easily recognize them

>>Why wouldn't I just map the bluetooth in my car and track that as a beacon?
You mention in the setup posts how you will pick up tons of cars driving by, so I assume one could map one's own car.
yes you can do that IF you know which of the beacon devices is your car. But thats difficult to do - if you know the MAC # of your car BLE yes. if Not you could drive your car 100m away and check if a beacon goes to down (~2 minutes - use your iPhone indigo app), Then drive back and check if THAT beacon goes back to UP
In order to avoid that the plugin offers the "car" device that COMBINES the info from several beacons: 1. battery beacon in the car, 2. beacon connected to the USB port in your car and 3. beacons on your key rings (1-max4). With that the indigo CAR device has the states: Home/away/arriving/leaving - motor on/off by combining the timed info from these different beacons

>>10 seems a little extreme, given I can get a few hundred devices on 1.
I added a 2nd PiBeacon, so I could have more coverage, but until I can identify stuff, it will just add more beacons.
Having more than one RPI is not about adding more beacons, but to make sure the over all experience is better. sometimes one RPI is busy, but the other(s) is (are) still working fine

The plugin is not meant to manage / see all bluetooth devices that are in your house or walk by. It is meant to detect, track .. SPECIFIC beacons you use, not your fridge, that one does not move or goes on/off

Which beacon(s) are you using - do you have?

hoping that this helps


Re: New user, questions

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:34 pm
by mikkyo
Thanks for the replies.
A couple clarifications before I start playing around more.
- "LESCAN": a simple BLE listening dump on the RPI that sometimes lists a string from which you can determine the vendor (that is the plugin menu tool that puts the long list into your plugin.log file)

Where is this LESCAN? I don't see it in any menu. Or is that another name for the get beacon list button just to make things more confusing?
It really helps if when you describe things, you provide explicit instructions, paths, buttons, menu hierarchies, exact names as published in your plugin, etc.

- published MAC# registered. If a MAC # range is registered to vendor the plugin will know it and populate the device state "vendor" with that info.
- certain UUID strings that are in the advertising data have been mapped to vendors (xy-V2&3 not V4, nonda Aiko+ iHere, Rinex, Spotypal, radius, SocialRetail, Node-js, Jaale, Sanwo, ruuvitag). The plugin will automatically place that info into the description/notes field.

Ok so if I don't see any of these in the Notes, then it is not working, not mapping, or it just doesn't know about any of my devices?
Does it know about iPhones uuid pattern or the like?

And once again, where do I see the Signal Strength?
I could follow more of your steps and recommendations with that info(and would probably be able to get a lot further).

I suggest to move it to a different folder (eg "my beacons" that you create in indigo devices)

I still didn't know what you meant by "folders"...
Spending more time playing around, I just discovered that the left side bar of the Indigo main window where the Devices/Triggers/Schedules/ActionGroups/Control Pages are listed has a little + at the bottom where you can create folders under one of the entries above it.
Never used it or knew about it for years(I've used Indigo since the X10 days).
When I turned down the disclosure triangle for Devices, I see a Pi_Beacons_New folder.
Ah so that is what you meant!
I wonder how many other users like me never use that feature or even know about it...
This is what I mean about being explicit in your answers, it will save us both a ton of time(me way more than you, and save you needing to reply to my repeated questions).
Plus it will help future newer users when they read this thread, and could even help you update your documentation threads. :-) .

Once I know where to see Signal Strength, I can get further.

Also, my second Pi seems to say IPconnection and BLE Down after awhile, then expire.
But it is still up and I can ssh into it just fine.
If I open its Device entry and save it, it comes back up for a bit and then dies.
Likewise if I reboot it.
Is there some easy fix, or some way to remove it and set it up all over again?

Re: New user, questions

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:58 pm
by kw123
We can settle this quickly in an online session if you like. Send me your contact info. (Karlwachs me com)

I guess you don’t know how to see the device states
Everyone I know had the same problem.
In device view pull up the lower pane and voila you see all the states there are. Once you have done it is so obvious and you feel pretty dumb. It took me several months to figure that out.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: New user, questions

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:51 am
by kw123
>>Where is this LESCAN?<<

Yes, that is the tool that runs on the RPI that the plugin uses to create the LONG list of beacons in the logfile :
Pi#0 - 74:5F:B9:E4:00:14 (unknown)
Pi#0 - C8:FF:77:C8:93:3C ZZ4-US-KNA5046A
Pi#0 - 5B:C3:D6:2C:FF:30 (unknown)
Pi#0 - F0:18:98:93:CC:13 (unknown)

Do a find on google and you will see some tools:
They can be used to listen to BLE devices that broadcast
The plugin only uses lescan to create that list -- hcidump can do much more : create raw data dumps for further analysis.. but automating that in the plugin is a little more challenging.

To actually interact with beacon you would need gatttool (yes 3 t)

... just in case you are interested

The plugin in its later versions is using gatttool to get battery level and to make beacons beep (some types)


Re: New user, questions

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:05 pm
by whmoorejr
mikkyo wrote:
Once I know where to see Signal Strength, I can get further.
. Indigo has a few different device types that will appear differently on the main indigo GUI.
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Screen Shot 2021-02-07 at 9.52.47 PM.png (15.21 KiB) Viewed 2835 times

There are others... sprinklers, thermostats, and....
Custom devices:
Screen Shot 2021-02-07 at 9.53.50 PM.png
Screen Shot 2021-02-07 at 9.53.50 PM.png (30.65 KiB) Viewed 2835 times
You may have to expand the bottom half of the main page, then just use the scroll bars to see all the state information.

You could also make a quick little control page with a single device showing the value of it's signal. Bring that page up on your phone, then walk around with the blue tooth thing and see what happens.

When you start playing with scripting stuff, you can scroll through the custom states of a device, right click to get the state key for use in a phython script or for use elsewhere.