Squeezebox Plugin

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Posted on
Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:16 pm
pgershon offline
Posts: 509
Joined: Jul 10, 2004

Squeezebox Plugin

Has anyone tried to write a plug in to communicate with a squeezebox? These is an Applescript to do it but the Applescript relies on sending messages to the shell, such as "curl --connect-timeout 5 --max-time 10 --get -d --url \"" & d & "\" "" Not sure how to do in python? There must be a simple and more obvious way to communicate with Squeezebox server or player that I am missing.

I am trying to tie together my Nuvo Concerto with Squeezebox and iTunes.

Posted on
Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:08 pm
ckeyes888 offline
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Re: Squeezebox Plugin

A SB plugin would be terrific. I currently use the AS attachment and have always wanted a way
to implement the "pause and speak" function of the iTunes plugin. Since I use the SB for my announcements everytime I have one I have to restart whatever was playing.


Posted on
Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:44 am
pgershon offline
Posts: 509
Joined: Jul 10, 2004

Re: Squeezebox Plugin

I need some help in communicating with the Squeezebox. Best method I can find is through the CLI of Squeezebox. I can do this fine through Terminal using Telnet. I telnet into (my IP address and port for CLI) and can send commands to and receive responses from the Squeezebox. Problem is how to do the same in a python plugin with Indigo. I have tried using the TCP OUT in the Cynical Network plugin but while I can get the port open, I do not get answers from the Squeeze Network like get with telnet/terminal. Not sure why.

Is there a more simple way to establish telnet communications with a specific port in python/indigo? I feel like I am missing something. I have another plugin I am working with that does fine sending and receiving data with serial data over IP. That plugin works fine but I am looking for straight telnet I/O here and not serial (although there may not be a difference).


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