States not Showing in Indigo

Posted on
Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:37 pm
pbaperez offline
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Posts: 35
Joined: Jun 08, 2011
Location: Austin, TX

States not Showing in Indigo

Hi Nick,

I reset my router earlier and now the states for the various zone players don't show in Indigo, where should I start troubleshooting?


Here is the debug dump..

Jun 24, 2014, 11:36:06 PM
Sonos Debug Getting Plugin Configuration Settings
Sonos Debug Reference ZP IP:
Sonos Debug Publish/Subscribe Port: 9999
Sonos Debug Pandora: False
Sonos Debug Pandora User ID: pbaperez
Sonos Debug Pandora Email Address: *******
Sonos Debug SiriusXM: False
Sonos Debug SMB Path:
Sonos Saved Plugin Configuration
Sonos Debug Loading Playlists...
Sonos Debug ZP: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:BrowseResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1"><Result><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:r="urn:schemas-rinconnetworks-com:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/"><container id="SQ:1" parentID="SQ:" restricted="true"><dc:title>Adult Sleepy Time</dc:title><res protocolInfo="file:*:audio/mpegurl:*">file:///jffs/settings/savedqueues.rsq#1</res><upnp:class>object.container.playlistContainer</upnp:class></container><container id="SQ:0" parentID="SQ:" restricted="true"><dc:title>Sleepy Time</dc:title><res protocolInfo="file:*:audio/mpegurl:*">file:///jffs/settings/savedqueues.rsq#0</res><upnp:class>object.container.playlistContainer</upnp:class></container><container id="SQ:2" parentID="SQ:" restricted="true"><dc:title>Sleepy Time II</dc:title><res protocolInfo="file:*:audio/mpegurl:*">file:///jffs/settings/savedqueues.rsq#2</res><upnp:class>object.container.playlistContainer</upnp:class></container><container id="SQ:3" parentID="SQ:" restricted="true"><dc:title>Sonos Playlist 1</dc:title><res protocolInfo="file:*:audio/mpegurl:*">file:///jffs/settings/savedqueues.rsq#3</res><upnp:class>object.container.playlistContainer</upnp:class></container></DIDL-Lite></Result><NumberReturned>4</NumberReturned><TotalMatches>4</TotalMatches><UpdateID>12</UpdateID></u:BrowseResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>
Sonos Playlist: SQ:1, Adult Sleepy Time, file:///jffs/settings/savedqueues.rsq#1
Sonos Playlist: SQ:0, Sleepy Time, file:///jffs/settings/savedqueues.rsq#0
Sonos Playlist: SQ:2, Sleepy Time II, file:///jffs/settings/savedqueues.rsq#2
Sonos Playlist: SQ:3, Sonos Playlist 1, file:///jffs/settings/savedqueues.rsq#3
Sonos Debug Loading RadioTime Favorite Stations...
Sonos Debug ZP: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:BrowseResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1"><Result><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:r="urn:schemas-rinconnetworks-com:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/"></DIDL-Lite></Result><NumberReturned>0</NumberReturned><TotalMatches>0</TotalMatches><UpdateID>3</UpdateID></u:BrowseResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>
Sonos Debug Resetting States for zone:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_ALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_ART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_ARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_CREATOR, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_CurrentURI, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_DURATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_INFO, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_MUTE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_STATE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_STATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_TRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_VOLUME, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_VOLUME_FIXED, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_ZoneName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_LocalUID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_AIName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_AIPath, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_NALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_NART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_NARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_NTRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: Q_Crossfade, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: Q_Repeat, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: Q_Shuffle, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: GROUP_Coordinator, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: GROUP_Name, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_CurrentTrack, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZoneGroupID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZoneGroupName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZonePlayerUUIDsInGroup, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_ZoneName, Value: Hallway Connect
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Hallway , State: ZP_LocalUID, Value: RINCON_000E58A62E4E01400
Sonos Adding ZonePlayer: RINCON_000E58A62E4E01400
Sonos Debug Resetting States for zone:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_ALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_ART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_ARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_CREATOR, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_CurrentURI, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_DURATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_INFO, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_MUTE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_STATE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_STATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_TRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_VOLUME, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_VOLUME_FIXED, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_ZoneName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_LocalUID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_AIName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_AIPath, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_NALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_NART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_NARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_NTRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: Q_Crossfade, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: Q_Repeat, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: Q_Shuffle, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: GROUP_Coordinator, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: GROUP_Name, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_CurrentTrack, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZoneGroupID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZoneGroupName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZonePlayerUUIDsInGroup, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_ZoneName, Value: Master Connect
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Connect: Master, State: ZP_LocalUID, Value: RINCON_000E58A515A801400
Sonos Adding ZonePlayer: RINCON_000E58A515A801400
Sonos Debug Resetting States for zone:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_ALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_ART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_ARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_CREATOR, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_CurrentURI, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_DURATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_INFO, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_MUTE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_STATE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_STATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_TRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_VOLUME, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_VOLUME_FIXED, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_ZoneName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_LocalUID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_AIName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_AIPath, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_NALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_NART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_NARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_NTRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: Q_Crossfade, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: Q_Repeat, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: Q_Shuffle, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: GROUP_Coordinator, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: GROUP_Name, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_CurrentTrack, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZoneGroupID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZoneGroupName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZonePlayerUUIDsInGroup, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_ZoneName, Value: Master Play Bar
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play BAR: Master, State: ZP_LocalUID, Value: RINCON_000E58B51A0001400
Sonos Adding ZonePlayer: RINCON_000E58B51A0001400
Sonos Debug Resetting States for zone:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_ALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_ART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_ARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_CREATOR, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_CurrentURI, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_DURATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_INFO, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_MUTE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_STATE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_STATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_TRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_VOLUME, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_VOLUME_FIXED, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_ZoneName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_LocalUID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_AIName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_AIPath, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_NALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_NART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_NARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_NTRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: Q_Crossfade, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: Q_Repeat, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: Q_Shuffle, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: GROUP_Coordinator, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: GROUP_Name, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_CurrentTrack, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZoneGroupID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZoneGroupName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZonePlayerUUIDsInGroup, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_ZoneName, Value: Nursery
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 1 - Nursery, State: ZP_LocalUID, Value: RINCON_000E58C07A5601400
Sonos Adding ZonePlayer: RINCON_000E58C07A5601400
Sonos Debug Resetting States for zone:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_ALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_ART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_ARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_CREATOR, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_CurrentURI, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_DURATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_INFO, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_MUTE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_STATE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_STATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_TRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_VOLUME, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_VOLUME_FIXED, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_ZoneName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_LocalUID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_AIName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_AIPath, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_NALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_NART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_NARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_NTRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: Q_Crossfade, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: Q_Repeat, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: Q_Shuffle, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: GROUP_Coordinator, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: GROUP_Name, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_CurrentTrack, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZoneGroupID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZoneGroupName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZonePlayerUUIDsInGroup, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_ZoneName, Value: Den Play: 5 (L+R)
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Den, State: ZP_LocalUID, Value: RINCON_000E588D8BDE01400
Sonos Adding ZonePlayer: RINCON_000E588D8BDE01400
Sonos Debug Resetting States for zone:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_ALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_ART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_ARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_CREATOR, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_CurrentURI, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_DURATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_INFO, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_MUTE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_STATE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_STATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_TRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_VOLUME, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_VOLUME_FIXED, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_ZoneName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_LocalUID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_AIName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_AIPath, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_NALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_NART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_NARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_NTRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: Q_Crossfade, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: Q_Repeat, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: Q_Shuffle, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: GROUP_Coordinator, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: GROUP_Name, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_CurrentTrack, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZoneGroupID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZoneGroupName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZonePlayerUUIDsInGroup, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_ZoneName, Value: Kitchen
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Play: 5 - Kitchen, State: ZP_LocalUID, Value: RINCON_000E585FCC5201400
Sonos Adding ZonePlayer: RINCON_000E585FCC5201400
Sonos SonosEvents Process ID: 1044
Script SonosEvents: Publishing on port: 9999

Posted on
Wed Jun 25, 2014 7:01 am
nlagaros offline
Posts: 1646
Joined: Dec 20, 2010

Re: States not Showing in Indigo

It looks like all processes started, so interesting. Can you navigate to the Sonos plugin directory? There is one more log file in there called coherence.log. That should lead us in the right direction. Did anything else change in your environment?

Posted on
Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:02 pm
pbaperez offline
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Re: States not Showing in Indigo

I can't find that log. Can you direct me to the path?

Posted on
Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:11 am
nlagaros offline
Posts: 1646
Joined: Dec 20, 2010

Re: States not Showing in Indigo

This should be it: /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Sonos.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server/coherence.log

Posted on
Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:52 pm
pbaperez offline
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Re: States not Showing in Indigo

WARN coherence Jun 27 17:29:20 Coherence UPnP framework version starting... (coherence/
WARN coherence Jun 27 17:29:20 hostname can't be resolved, maybe a system misconfiguration? (coherence/
WARN coherence Jun 27 17:29:20 detection of own ip failed, using as own address, functionality will be limited (coherence/
WARN webserver Jun 27 17:29:20 WebServer on port 59450 ready (coherence/
./lib/coherence/extern/ UserWarning: extern.louie will soon be deprecated in favor of coherence.dispatcher.
warnings.warn("extern.louie will soon be deprecated in favor of coherence.dispatcher.")
Unhandled error in Deferred:
Unhandled Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
Failure: twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.
WARN service_client Jun 27 17:29:20 error requesting'' (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN service_client Jun 27 17:29:22 error requesting'' (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:33:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:33:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:33:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:50 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:50 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:50 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:50 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:50 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:50 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:51 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:52 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
Unhandled error in Deferred:
Unhandled Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./lib/twisted/internet/", line 361, in callback
File "./lib/twisted/internet/", line 455, in _startRunCallbacks
File "./lib/twisted/internet/", line 542, in _runCallbacks
current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
File "./lib/coherence/", line 81, in deferred_emit
dfrs.append(defer.maybeDeferred(receiver, *args, **kwargs))
--- <exception caught here> ---
File "./lib/twisted/internet/", line 133, in maybeDeferred
result = f(*args, **kw)
File "./lib/coherence/", line 17, in __call__
return self.callback(*args, **kw)
File "./", line 275, in zone_player_found
client.audio_in.subscribe_for_variable('AudioInputName', Son_ZP[SonosPlayer.SonosCount_ZP].state_variable_change)
exceptions.AttributeError: 'ZonePlayerClient' object has no attribute 'audio_in'
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:53 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
WARN event_protocol Jun 27 17:58:53 response with error code '412' received upon our 'subscribe' request (coherence/upnp/core/
Unhandled error in Deferred:
Unhandled Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./lib/twisted/internet/", line 361, in callback
File "./lib/twisted/internet/", line 455, in _startRunCallbacks
File "./lib/twisted/internet/", line 542, in _runCallbacks
current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
File "./lib/coherence/", line 81, in deferred_emit
dfrs.append(defer.maybeDeferred(receiver, *args, **kwargs))
--- <exception caught here> ---
File "./lib/twisted/internet/", line 133, in maybeDeferred
result = f(*args, **kw)
File "./lib/coherence/", line 17, in __call__
return self.callback(*args, **kw)
File "./", line 251, in media_renderer_found
client.av_transport.subscribe_for_variable('LastChange', Son_MR[SonosPlayer.SonosCount_MR].state_variable_change)
File "./lib/coherence/upnp/services/clients/", line 30, in subscribe_for_variable
self.service.subscribe_for_variable(var_name, instance=0, callback=callback,signal=signal)
File "./lib/coherence/upnp/core/", line 267, in subscribe_for_variable
File "./lib/coherence/upnp/core/", line 197, in subscribe
callback( self)
File "./", line 211, in state_variable_change
os.system(indigohost + "\'indigo.server.log(\"SonosEvents: Error Publishing: " + clean_debug(msg.encode('utf-8')) + "\")\'")
exceptions.UnboundLocalError: local variable 'msg' referenced before assignment

Posted on
Sat Jun 28, 2014 4:51 pm
nlagaros offline
Posts: 1646
Joined: Dec 20, 2010

Re: States not Showing in Indigo

From the looks of the log, DNS is not setup properly on your Mac. Are you running DNS server? Can you validate that you have forward and reverse records for the host and that the hostname matches locally and in DNS?

Posted on
Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:20 pm
pbaperez offline
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Re: States not Showing in Indigo

That was it! There were some random DNS servers listed in the Network Settings. I deleted them and filled in the proper DNS.

Thanks for your help!

Posted on
Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:32 pm
Sleepy81 offline
Posts: 47
Joined: Sep 25, 2014

Re: States not Showing in Indigo

I have kind of the same problem...

I can control my SONOS player (pause, play, stop etc.) with events, but no states are showing in the custom states window...

During SONOS plugin startup I get the following error codes:
Sonos Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 58, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Sonos.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 146, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Sonos.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 225, in initZones
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/encodings/", line 16, in decode
<type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf8' in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)

Sonos Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)

Any idea whats wrong?

Posted on
Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:35 pm
nlagaros offline
Posts: 1646
Joined: Dec 20, 2010

Re: States not Showing in Indigo

Do you have the reference ZonePlayer setup in the plugin configuration?

Sleepy81 wrote:
I have kind of the same problem...

I can control my SONOS player (pause, play, stop etc.) with events, but no states are showing in the custom states window...

During SONOS plugin startup I get the following error codes:
Sonos Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 58, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Sonos.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 146, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Sonos.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 225, in initZones
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/encodings/", line 16, in decode
<type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf8' in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)

Sonos Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)

Any idea whats wrong?

Posted on
Thu Sep 25, 2014 1:51 pm
Sleepy81 offline
Posts: 47
Joined: Sep 25, 2014

Re: States not Showing in Indigo

Yes,I think I have it correctly configured...
Referance Zoneplayer IP:
Publish/subscriberport: 9999
Pandora: unchecked (don't use it)
SiriusXM: Unchecked (don't use it)
SMB path: blank

Also, my Sonos device is configured with

My sonos Setup if fairly simple still:
Sonos 3 on
Sonos Bridga on

Posted on
Thu Sep 25, 2014 1:52 pm
nlagaros offline
Posts: 1646
Joined: Dec 20, 2010

Re: States not Showing in Indigo

Ahh - did you add the bridge in Indigo as a device? If so, you can remove it. It is not needed.

Sleepy81 wrote:
Yes,I think I have it correctly configured...
Referance Zoneplayer IP:
Publish/subscriberport: 9999
Pandora: unchecked (don't use it)
SiriusXM: Unchecked (don't use it)
SMB path: blank

Also, my Sonos device is configured with

My sonos Setup if fairly simple still:
Sonos 3 on
Sonos Bridga on

Posted on
Thu Sep 25, 2014 1:53 pm
Sleepy81 offline
Posts: 47
Joined: Sep 25, 2014

Re: States not Showing in Indigo

Nope, only device I have in Indigo is the Sonos:3

Posted on
Thu Sep 25, 2014 1:55 pm
nlagaros offline
Posts: 1646
Joined: Dec 20, 2010

Re: States not Showing in Indigo

Can you put the plugin in debug mode and post the entire output. Hopefully that will reveal what is going on. Thanks!

Sleepy81 wrote:
Nope, only device I have in Indigo is the Sonos:3

Posted on
Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:03 pm
Sleepy81 offline
Posts: 47
Joined: Sep 25, 2014

Re: States not Showing in Indigo

I enabled debugging mode, and event debugging mode, and restarted the plugin.
This is what turned up in the Indigo Log:

Starting plugin "Sonos 0.6.20" (pid 2761)
Sonos OSTYPE: 13
Sonos Subscribing on port: 9999
Started plugin "Sonos 0.6.20"
Sonos Your plugin version, v0.6.20, is current.
Sonos Debug Getting Plugin Configuration Settings
Sonos Debug Reference ZP IP:
Sonos Debug Publish/Subscribe Port: 9999
Sonos Debug Pandora: False
Sonos Debug Pandora User ID:
Sonos Debug Pandora Email Address:
Sonos Debug SiriusXM: False
Sonos Debug SMB Path:
Sonos Saved Plugin Configuration
Sonos Debug Loading Playlists...
Sonos Debug ZP: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:BrowseResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1"><Result><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:r="urn:schemas-rinconnetworks-com:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/"></DIDL-Lite></Result><NumberReturned>0</NumberReturned><TotalMatches>0</TotalMatches><UpdateID>0</UpdateID></u:BrowseResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>
Sonos Debug Loading RadioTime Favorite Stations...
Sonos Debug ZP: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""><s:Body><u:BrowseResponse xmlns:u="urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1"><Result><DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:r="urn:schemas-rinconnetworks-com:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/"></DIDL-Lite></Result><NumberReturned>0</NumberReturned><TotalMatches>0</TotalMatches><UpdateID>8</UpdateID></u:BrowseResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>
Sonos Debug ZonePlayer: Sonos PLAY:3, Enabled: True
Sonos Debug Resetting States for zone:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_ALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_ART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_ARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_CREATOR, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_CurrentURI, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_DURATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_INFO, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_MUTE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_STATE, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_STATION, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_TRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_VOLUME, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_VOLUME_FIXED, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_ZoneName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_LocalUID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_AIName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_AIPath, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_NALBUM, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_NART, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_NARTIST, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_NTRACK, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: Q_Crossfade, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: Q_Repeat, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: Q_Shuffle, Value: off
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: GROUP_Coordinator, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: GROUP_Name, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZP_CurrentTrack, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZoneGroupID, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZoneGroupName, Value:
Sonos Debug Updating Device: Sonos PLAY:3, State: ZonePlayerUUIDsInGroup, Value:
Sonos Error Error in plugin execution runConcurrentThread:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 58, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Sonos.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 146, in runConcurrentThread
File "/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 6/Plugins/Sonos.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin/", line 225, in initZones
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/encodings/", line 16, in decode
<type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf8' in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)

Sonos Error plugin runConcurrentThread function returned or failed (will attempt again in 10 seconds)
Sonos Debug Method: runConcurrentThread
Sonos Debug Running Concurrent Thread
Sonos Debug Vaidating Plugin Configuration
Sonos Debug Validation Succesful

Posted on
Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:04 pm
nlagaros offline
Posts: 1646
Joined: Dec 20, 2010

Re: States not Showing in Indigo

A shot in the dark -- but can you remove the ":" from the device name in Indigo. I think it is choking on that.

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