Announce current track

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Thu Oct 24, 2019 2:45 am
siclark offline
Posts: 1964
Joined: Jun 13, 2017
Location: UK

Announce current track

I am trying to set an action to play the name of the current track when it starts playing. I am using the announcements plugin to build the announcement that is triggered when the track changes.

My trigger is on any track change
conditional on timer being inactive
actions are
- refreshes announcement
- calls action group to play announcement
- starts 30 second timer (used above)

The timer is stop it getting in a loop when it sees the track change from announcement.aiff back to the track playing and tries to trigger again.

The action gruop is just the sonos mp3 action using the announcement device. For playing local tracks this works, but for Sonos and Amazon I have to add a Play into this group otherwise I am left with the music paused.

I have tried with <30 second timers, but still get issues with it getting stuck in a loop, even if bizarely I turn off the trigger.

Has anyone else tried similar with any success. I still occasioanlly lose my queue. My plan is to have a switch that the above is conditional on, so I can turn it on if listening to music I am not familiar with.

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