LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

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Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:28 pm
DaveL17 offline
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LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

There's a lot of people around here that are much smarter than me, and I'd like to pose a question.

I've been using LastPass for a while and have been generally happy with it. But recently, I moved everything over to Keychain and I've been happy with that too. I'm considering dropping LastPass (fee-based) for Keychain (free-based) but wonder if there's a compelling reason not to that I'm not considering. It feels kind of silly to pay for something that I can get natively for free.

Anyone dropped LastPass or 1Password (or whatever) in favor of Keychain and regretted the decision?

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Thu Apr 04, 2019 2:24 pm
CrazyFin offline
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

I moved from LastPass (free-version) to paid version of Dashlane about 1 year ago and I am very happy with the move.
I first tried the free version of Dashlane and it worked so fine so I decided to go for Dashlane Premium which costs me 5 USD per month.

But after reading a very interesting review/comparison/battle between LastPass and Dashlane I am starting of thinking to move back to LastPass free-version since it in fact includes multi-device syncing which Dashlane only includes in Premium and Premium Plus.

Also for 4 USD/month for LastPass Family (up to 6 users) I would get multi-device sync AND family setup while Dashlane Premium costs me 5 USD per month for multi-sync BUT only one user...

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Thu Apr 04, 2019 3:47 pm
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

Thanks for responding. My wife didn't use LastPass, so it's just me.

Keychain for my situation has fewer hoops to jump through and syncs nicely across my various Apple thingamabobs. The only service I can think of that LastPass provided that Apple doesn't is the ability to change a password "automatically" without having to visit the site--but that only worked for select sites. If Keychain has this feature, I haven't found it yet--but I must admit that I didn't really use it with LastPass, either.

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Posted on
Fri Apr 05, 2019 12:27 pm
Dual offline
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

Interesting Thread. I use 1password and have for many years. Last time I looked at keychain a couple years ago I wasn’t comfortable. I love 1password.



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Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:59 pm
siclark offline
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

I and my wife use Dashlane and the password sharing is invaluable. For that reason we can't move to keychain, I don't believe.

On this topic, am I strange having will over 200 passwords saved. Websites talk about people having to remember 20 passwords...

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Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:42 pm
DaveL17 offline
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

Dual wrote:
Last time I looked at keychain a couple years ago I wasn’t comfortable.

If you don't mind me asking, what made you uncomfortable with Keychain?

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Posted on
Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:44 pm
DaveL17 offline
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

siclark wrote:
On this topic, am I strange having will over 200 passwords saved. Websites talk about people having to remember 20 passwords...

I definitely don't have 200 passwords, but it's well over 100.

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Posted on
Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:49 pm
Dual offline
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

DaveL17 wrote:
If you don't mind me asking, what made you uncomfortable with Keychain?

Apple seemed almost to be forcing it on users. I started down the path and it seemed to mess up when merging the keychains from my various devices (3 iMacs, MBP, iPad and iPhone). I turned it back off before allowing it access to all my devices. I feel like with 1password it is easier to manage what happens. And if I list a device I could delete the password file from Dropbox and create a new one while changing all of my randomly generated passwords. Admittedly a task that would consume many beers.

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Fri Apr 05, 2019 5:48 pm
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

Thanks for the insight. Being a party of one makes much of that easier to manage.

Dual wrote:
Admittedly a task that would consume many beers.

That sounds like a feature to me. :D

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Posted on
Sat Apr 06, 2019 7:58 am
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

I've been using LastPass for a while and have been generally happy with it. But recently, I moved everything over to Keychain and I've been happy with that too. I'm considering dropping LastPass (fee-based) for Keychain (free-based) but wonder if there's a compelling reason not to that I'm not considering.

I think it depends on how you use it -- LastPass is a better option if you want to store non-password-but-sensitive information, such as a child's SSN or bank account numbers (just an example of something I need at times and NEVER remember, obviously there are other examples).

But for pure passwords, if you are 100% Apple such as yourself, I don't see a big advantage. LastPass has a couple of advanced features that I don't know if are in Keychain or not -- it will automatically tell you if a site has been compromised by a known so you can change your password and can do some checks to be sure you aren't using the same passwords multiple times and such. But these aren't things that every user wants/needs.

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Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:54 am
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

RogueProeliator wrote:
LastPass has a couple of advanced features that I don't know if are in Keychain or not -- it will automatically tell you if a site has been compromised by a known so you can change your password and can do some checks to be sure you aren't using the same passwords multiple times and such. But these aren't things that every user wants/needs.

Keychain will definitely tell you if you're using the same password for multiple sites; I don't know that it would warn you of a potential compromise.

I'm still untrusting of all wallets to a degree--I still don't keep passwords for financial sites or other privacy information on anything that's connected to the Internet. I think I'm going to stick with Keychain for now--I can always go back (or to another product.)

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Posted on
Sat Apr 06, 2019 10:25 am
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

RogueProeliator wrote:
LastPass is a better option if you want to store non-password-but-sensitive information, such as a child's SSN or bank account numbers (just an example of something I need at times and NEVER remember, obviously there are other examples).

Minor clarification: you can do secure notes in the Keychain Access Mac app as well to store random text data securely - I use that for the exact data you mention above. However, I don't know how or even if you can access those notes on iOS.

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Sat Apr 06, 2019 11:59 am
berkinet offline
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

I was a happy keychain user for many many years until suddenly one day this January it lost my entire login keychain on all of my devices. AppleCare was completely unable to recover it. Since then I installed 1Password family version, to share things with my wife, and run both that and keychain in parallel.

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Sat Apr 06, 2019 2:42 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

Minor clarification: you can do secure notes in the Keychain Access Mac app as well to store random text data securely - I use that for the exact data you mention above. However, I don't know how or even if you can access those notes on iOS.

But it is just a single note field, right? LastPass provides templates with organized fields for most information that you would provide. It is just better organized IMHO for notes.

A couple of other features/differences I've remembered in my limited time in Keychain (I do use it some, not much):
* LastPass has better categorization and browsing
* LastPass has more integration and sharing options, such as a Family Account where you can share some passwords with other users, including non-Apple users
* Keychain search is better
* Keychain can store client certificates all in one place (if you use those at all) where as LastPass can't to my knowledge


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Sat Apr 06, 2019 3:33 pm
FlyingDiver offline
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Re: LastPass vs. Keychain vs. ?

One think I'm loving about the latest 1Password is 2FA. It has a token generator built in that works with every site I've tried it on. So no more Google Authenticator on my iPhone. And it does a real nice job of putting the current token into the clipboard whenever you fill in a name/password set from the vault.

Also using the Family sharing feature since my wife insists on using my account for a number of sites (like Amazon)...

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