Roon + Qobuz

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Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:08 pm
autolog offline
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Roon + Qobuz

I have subscribed to Qobuz Sublime+ for a while which enables streaming of HD Audio up to 24bit 192kHz.
I have been using my Yamaha Musiccast system for streaming back the HD content and this has worked well.

In the last week or so, Qobuz have announced that they have worked with Roon to integrate their service.
This piqued my interest and as Roon were offering a 60 day free trial for Qobuz members, I thought I would give it a go.

So I have installed Roon on my Indigo iMac and now have it serving up all my own collection of music. One USP is that if you go to play one of your albums, you will be offered the HD Qobuz alternative if it exists. You can also play anything on Qobuz via Roon.

Another bonus is that Roon supports Squeezebox natively by pretending to be a Logitech Media server. So my mothballed Squeezeboxes can now be resurrected.

Not quite ready to develop a Roon plugin yet but I note that there is some work on Github regarding python and the Roon API. :wink:

So in summary, I am really impressed with the tie up between Roon and Qobuz. :)

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