Graphing with IWS

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Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:12 am
gtreece offline
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Re: Graphing with IWS

Thanks, Mike. Really the only thing different was that you were using 'fillsteps'. I tried boxes as well as impulses. As soon as I changed to fillsteps, the plot script I had started working.

While I'm not sold that this is the final chart design, I did build out an HVAC control page to match my other iPad control pages, and place the chart as-is to start to get a feel for what I want.

hvac.PNG (285.87 KiB) Viewed 4138 times

Posted on
Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:22 am
mikeL offline
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Re: Graphing with IWS

gtreece wrote:
As soon as I changed to fillsteps, the plot script I had started working.

So, it wasn't the y2 axis zero-point. Your graph looks great. I installed the MacPorts version of gnuplot (vs Homebrew's version) which supports true type fonts. Thanks for the suggestion.

On a somewhat related topic, what are your thoughts on the value of discrete modes 'Heat', 'Cool' and 'Auto' for the thermostat? When and why would you switch from 'Heat' to 'Auto', for example? I'm asking because the heat and cool setpoints seem to go crazy when the mode changes (I'm using a Nest). Normally, I set the setpoints on a schedule using Indigo, but if the mode changes to 'Auto' the setpoints change to values that I don't appear to be able to control. I am switching in and out of 'Auto' mode depending on the outside temperature (for lack of a better driver). See attached graphic. Here the AC turned off for few minutes while the setpoints spiked. I am just wondering if you've seen similar behaviour.
Setpoint Voodoo.png
Notice glitch in cool and heat setpoints. This occurs when switching in and out of 'Auto' mode.
Setpoint Voodoo.png (11.79 KiB) Viewed 4120 times

Posted on
Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:49 am
gtreece offline
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Re: Graphing with IWS

I have not seen similar behavior, but to be honest, I don't take my Nest out of Auto mode, because I haven't seen any need to. I have a Nest upstairs in my house, and I have two Filtrete wifi thermostats downstairs. The plugin for the Filtrete is not stable enough to make controlling them with Indigo a good option at this point, so the Nest is the only one I am working with in Indigo at the moment.

Being upstairs, and in a room with computers, it mostly deals with the room being too warm, until winter hits. I just leave it in auto. I change the heat setpoint up a little in the winter, but I can take it cold, so I don't worry if there's a fluctuation in temperature.

When I get Nest units installed downstairs, I may control their mode more, but just based on the thermal properties of the house, I'm not sure I'll need to. My theory is to make the setpoint gap bigger when we're not here, and narrower when we are here, and not target one specific temperature.

Because my upstairs zone and downstairs master hallway zone share one HVAC unit, the only thing I have to watch for is making sure the upstairs is not calling for cooling, when the downstairs is calling for heat.

In the fall and spring, we open windows a lot, and my real goal is to have key windows with sensors on them (likely z-wave), that will control the HVAC mode, turning it off whenever windows are open.

Posted on
Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:51 am
PME999 offline
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Re: Graphing with IWS

I'm using indigo since 3y and now with V6. With a lot of relay, temp, hum and energy sensor, i would like to make graphic like are described in this topic, but as beginner, the tuto is not clear enough for me. I've installed gnuplot without problem. I need help to understand each step of applescript lines to make the customization with my own variables, update of the png, ...
I agree with some post that an easy plugin to make graphics will be a wonderful gift.
In any case, thanks in advance if someone can help me

Posted on
Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:55 pm
mikeL offline
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Re: Graphing with IWS

PME999 wrote:
...I need help to understand each step of applescript lines to make the customization with my own variables, update of the png, ...

Hi Patrice.
Which script in particular do you need some help to interpret? You mentioned Applescript but several types of scripts are discussed in the thread (applescript, gnuplot command script, unix shell script).
Have you been able to create and update a data file containing timestamped records of your readings? We can start there, if you need help with that script. Let me know. BTW, did you install the MacPorts version of gnuplot?

Posted on
Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:02 am
wileyone offline
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Re: Graphing with IWS

Thanks for sharing your code for grabbing Indigo variables and storing them for analysis elsewhere. I'm a newbie to the Indigo/Home Automation world and have been wanting to do exactly what you've done here. I appreciate your sharing!! :mrgreen:

Re: Thermostats, I've installed a couple of the Venstar T1800's from MacHomeStore (with the 2441V adapter) and they seem to be very stable and have done a good job to this point of controlling the temperature. The integration with Indigo has been easy. I will admit that the cool factor of the Nest is way beyond the Venstar (IMO), but the Venstars are working reliably and are supported natively by Indigo - which is nice.

I plan to add some additional temperature monitoring and damper control in the future, but one thing at a time...

Posted on
Fri Jan 03, 2014 9:53 am
bluehouse offline
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Re: Graphing with IWS

Mike and all, this is a great graphing process and file documentation that inspired me to hack my way through the gnuplot installation and script modifications. So far, graphs plot and post to my control pages but with one bug (probably operator error) I hoped someone could help me resolve: When run Mike's simple AppleScript code posted earlier that simply runs a shell bash script (basically: ... do shell script "/bin/bash /Users/James/Documents/Indigo/MyScripts/"), no errors are reported but the graphs do not update. However, when I enter the same command from the terminal prompt, graphs update successfully: "/bin/bash /Users/James/Documents/Indigo/MyScripts/". Any suggestions for a script hacker? Thanks!

Posted on
Mon Jan 06, 2014 1:47 pm
BassMint offline
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Re: Graphing with IWS

bluehouse wrote:
Mike and all, this is a great graphing process and file documentation that inspired me to hack my way through the gnuplot installation and script modifications. So far, graphs plot and post to my control pages but with one bug (probably operator error) I hoped someone could help me resolve: When run Mike's simple AppleScript code posted earlier that simply runs a shell bash script (basically: ... do shell script "/bin/bash /Users/James/Documents/Indigo/MyScripts/"), no errors are reported but the graphs do not update. However, when I enter the same command from the terminal prompt, graphs update successfully: "/bin/bash /Users/James/Documents/Indigo/MyScripts/". Any suggestions for a script hacker? Thanks!

try taking out "/users/james/" - try "Documents/Indigo/MyScripts/"

think it is because your running as james and it assumes you are already in james home dir.

Posted on
Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:38 am
bluehouse offline
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Re: Graphing with IWS

Thanks BassMint, that did not turn out to be the problem but I appreciate it. It has something to do with my inadequate understanding of sh shell, bash shell, interactive and non-interactive shells, etc when run from a "do shell script" command in AppleScript.

After much research and experimenting (but never really understanding), I discovered that changing the do shell script command from 'do shell script "/bin/bash /Users/...' to 'do shell script "/bin/bash -l /Users/..' would make the script run as expected.

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