Heating control in Italy

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Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:41 am
MarcoGT offline
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Re: Heating control in Italy

What do I need if I want to control each single radiator?

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Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:01 am
Turribeach offline
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Re: Heating control in Italy

Your question ("Will it work?") is ambiguous so is my answer. What will it work? The valves will work work obviously but you also said "without doing anything in the central system" so when the valves switch the temperature up based on your schedules how is the boiler going to be switched on if you don't have any smart relays at your boiler? Hence why I said it won't work.

You also said "each room will have a temp sensor", do you mean the one from the valve or a separate temp sensor? The one from the Danfoss Living LC-13 valve you can't read on Indigo since the device doesn't report it.

Posted on
Wed Nov 11, 2015 4:02 am
MarcoGT offline
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Re: Heating control in Italy

Of course I will configure properly the current thermostat I have.

Then, I know I cannot read the temp sensor from the valve, therefore I will read the temperature from the other sensor I installed in the room.

Posted on
Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:09 am
MarcoGT offline
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Re: Heating control in Italy

I bring up this thread as I have installed the Danfoss LC-13 radiator valve on one radiator.
Configured in Indigo, everything fine.

Now the setup is:

- boiler having still the original thermostat which schedules and so on.
- all radiators, except one, still have no controlling valves, so they are always open and water flows (when sent by the boiler)
- one radiator has the LC-13 installed

(let's suppose of course that the boiler is always sending water or that is sending when needed, I am not interested in boiler setup now).

A typical scenario would be: at 5pm I would like that the room temp is 20 grades...and here the first problem...how long does it take to bring room temp to 20C? If at 5PM I want it at 20, I shall start at 3PM (example); but let's say, to make it simpler, that at 5PM it will start to heat up to 20C.
So I have two variables, a desiredRoomTemp=20 (it will be set by the schedule) and the currentRoomTemp=17 read with a Fibaro sensor.
So current < desired, valve will open and radiator will heat up.
Then I need a schedule running for example every minute which checkes both temps and will close the valve accordingly, am I right?

I need some hints :)


Posted on
Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:19 am
Turribeach offline
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Re: Heating control in Italy

I don't think you understand how the valve works. If you set the valve at 20c and then room temperature reaches that level (according to the valve thermostat as it has its own temperature sensor which may defer to the Fibaro) then the valve will close. All the valve does is it will open if the measured temperature is less than the set temperature or close otherwise. You can't open/close the valve, all you can do is the set the temperature. That's it.

Posted on
Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:29 am
howartp offline
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Re: Heating control in Italy

So if you do want the room to be at 20C by 5pm, you need to set the thermostat to 20C at say 4pm - it's trial and error to work out the rate of change in each room.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Posted on
Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:08 am
MarcoGT offline
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Re: Heating control in Italy

Yes, that was my idea...
but I decided to return the LC-13 and switch to Stella-Z and use the autolog plugin.

Still thinking for the boiler side...maybe I will start with a Fibaro Relay to switch ON/OFF the boiler when needed

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