Fantastic Software!!!

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Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:33 pm
rschneid offline
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Fantastic Software!!!

this is the greatest sw on the planet. Ok possibly I am slightly jaded, but it seems like I should put this info somewhere.
I have a big system. 80+ (lost count) insteon devices. Mostly under the control of an ISY99. But..... my wife finally talked me into buying a MacBook Pro and with that I could support indigo, (which I admit to having been slightly envious of for a while). Long story short I got the demo, and almost immediately found it to be about 1 zillion times easier to deal with then the ISY. The ISY is extremely capable and very reliable 99.9999 but its not easy to program and its very hard to get it to talk to things like (cameras, sonos, etc..). Relatively speaking in no time at a I have Indigo connecting up to many devices, scenes, cameras, sensors etc etc... Anyway I am a very very happy ISY refuge.!
I don't think its possible to overestimate the value of the control pages. My wife and I have been in a never ending battle (she is removing lamplincs and I am trying to get her to stay the course) anyway I think control pages are going to be the shot that once and for all finally ends the battle. She is both an avid iPhone and iPad user and as far as I can tell I will be able to grant her control page usage (front hall, family room, bedroom etc) so that she "owns" controllership of all the devices. Anyway hopefully thats what will happen. I

This is really great software.....!!!!

Rich S.

Posted on
Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:49 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Fantastic Software!!!

Thanks for the feedback - we hope your experience will continue to be as great. The community here is also top-notch - very friendly and helpful.

[MODERATOR NOTE] - moved to a more appropriate forum

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:56 pm
jltnol offline
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Re: Fantastic Software!!!

What I like about Indigo is, like most Apple stuff, It Just Works!

I started using Apple computers years ago, after a few brushes with PC’s. Apple’s GUI, and super intuitive interface made life so much easier. When we finally moved to digital recording and editing at the recording studio I was working in at the time, so many things I learned in the Mac UI worked in the new software. I picked it up in no time.

Likewise with Indigo. Because the software is so intuitive, is was very easy to learn. While my home system is ever expanding, with each new device I think of ways to make my life easier with Indigo. Armed with a few basic concepts, more complex actions and triggers almost conjured themselves into being, with only minimal help from me. If I could think of something to do, there was a way to do it in Indigo. My front door lock is on Vera, and as much as I appreciate Indigo for its simplicity, Vera is the exact opposite. I find it impossible to use and nothing about seems intuitive.

While my primary purpose for getting into Home Automation was lighting control, the more I read, the more I realized how much more Home Automation could do, and that Indigo would make it easy. Adding in the security system, the AC/Heater system, and the front door lock has really opened up the possibilities, and I’ve exploited them all.

The “Control Pages” was the last rubicon I crossed, only because I didn’t see the need, and really had no idea of what it could do. But it didn’t take me long to put together several pages that allow control of the system and the status of the devices. Since I’m pretty internet literate, I was able to directly connect to my home system with my own domain, so now the iPhone app, as well as the Indigo app that controls the Indigo server can be accessed from anywhere I have internet. This is a dream come true for me.

Lastly, the Help Forum here is exceptional! The guys who run the board, Matt and Jay(am I missing anyone???) do more than an incredible job of helping users, both new and old. Regardless of how simple or hard the question is, they have an un-canny ability to understand the technical proficiency of the poster, and reply in a way they will understand.

The other forum members here are also very generous. I’m not a big Apple Script person… just don’t know how to do it, and when I get stuck, others here have pointed me in the right direction. Given just the basic framework, I can fill in the blanks, and adapt scrips for other uses along the way. This is a community!

Indigo is a very mature app. I can easily see all the work and more importantly, the logic involved with each and every way the software works. Even the Event Log spews out information in basic English, so when trouble arises, this is the first place I go to see if I can figure out where I’ve gone wrong.

Hat’s off to EVERYONE associated with Indigo. Super job.

Posted on
Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:27 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Fantastic Software!!!

Thanks jitnol!


Posted on
Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:42 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Fantastic Software!!!

Thanks! And yes, you got everyone (just Matt and me)... ;)

Jay (Indigo Support)
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Posted on
Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:27 pm
Seeker offline
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Re: Fantastic Software!!!

I'm fairly new to Indigo, but I have to chime in and agree. I'm astonished at how solid and reliable this software is. What a pleasant surprise based on my previous experience with other platforms.

Matt and Jay, I appreciate your seemingly calculated approach to updating the app. Sometimes slow, but that's not a bad thing. Every enhancement is always well thought out. Reliability and user experience seem to be priorities.

I also appreciate the way the forums are focused on getting things done, not full of bug reports and complaints about 'ghosts in the machine' like some others. This allows us to focus on making the app work for us to do what we need.

Kudos. And ditto to the OP.

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