Apple on ARM (Apple Silicon)

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Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:51 am
Turribeach offline
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Apple on ARM (Apple Silicon)

So it looks like I am the first to post about this. :mrgreen:

So Apple is moving to ARM and in about 2 years they will be mostly selling Mac with Apple Silicon.

To me it looks like this migration to ARM it’s going to be a huge win for Apple. Microsoft failed miserably trying to unify their different platforms for years. And it looks like Apple has been carefully planning for this for years. The concerns about the performance of ARM on heavy software might be overrated. Everything they showed looked smooth and that was even on an A12Z chip which is not new (use don the new iPad Pro). When the new Macs come out later this year I am sure they have a revamped CPU/GPU. Also their timeline of 2 years seems very aggressive which indicates they think they can replace their whole Mac line up (or most of it) with ARM. iOS Apps on Mac will be a big boost for the Mac and also for developers which can now target another platform for “free”. I like how certain things from iOS got added to MacOS but they also went to the other way around. So it seems like a proper merge rather than a migration.

Jay/Matt, what's your view on this move? Tim Cook did say (quote): "We plan to continue to support and release new versions of MacOS for Intel-based Macs for years to come. In fact we have some new Intel-base dMacs in the pipeline that we are really excited about" so it looks like people will not need to rush to ARM. But at some point the OS updates for Intel-based Macs will end I presume. That could still be in 10 years time though, assuming you have a recent Mac that will support new MacOS for Intel-based Macs.

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Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:01 am
autolog offline
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Re: Apple on ARM (Apple Silicon)

You weren't the first. :wink: - Apple move from Intel to Apple Silicon :lol:

Posted on
Tue Jun 23, 2020 11:06 am
Turribeach offline
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Re: Apple on ARM (Apple Silicon)

Ummm I did a search with Google and it didn't find the article:

The "web crawler" getting lazy?

Posted on
Tue Jun 23, 2020 1:09 pm
jay (support) offline
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Re: Apple on ARM (Apple Silicon)

See our post about OS betas and Apple Silicon.

[MODERATOR NOTE]: I'm going to lock this topic and refer you to the other topic where discussion can continue (no need for duplicates).

Jay (Indigo Support)
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