What does (address) mean in event log?

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Sun Jul 18, 2004 7:36 pm
pwarwick offline
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What does (address) mean in event log?

I have a number of entries in my event log where "(address)" is appended to the end of the message. I cannot find any documentation of this.


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Sun Jul 18, 2004 7:47 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: What does (address) mean in event log?

Normally, X10 commands are sent in address-function pairs. For example, to turn on device A1 the following is put onto the power line:

A-1, A-On

If Indigo ever sends just an address is appends the log line with "(address)". This can happen because you are sending a sequence to program a *Linc module, executing an AppleScript, or if you have the "Group addresses on transmission" preference checked (inside Prefs dialog, Interface panel).

The group addresses preference reduces the number of like-function commands put onto the power line. If you had an Action Group that executed A1 On, A2 On, A5 On, then Indigo will not send the function until the last command. This reduces this:

A-1, A-On, A-2, A-On, A-5, A-On

to this:

A-1, A-2, A-5, A-On

They are functionally equivalent but the latter is much faster. Folks with X10 signal issues will probably want to turn the preference off.


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Sun Jul 18, 2004 7:57 pm
pwarwick offline
Posts: 206
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Location: Ontario, Canada



Thanks for the explanation. I was using group actions and had the preference set ... I do think I have some signal problems and really need to get a bridge between the 2 phases in my house. I'll turn off the preference until that is resolved. Previously, I had 2 different controllers each controlling one phase.



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