Touch forgetting sever credentials on new iPhone 5

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Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:58 pm
makedrinklas offline
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Re: Touch forgetting sever credentials on new iPhone 5

Aghh, ok thanks! So far so good from both services.

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Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:03 pm
yergeyj offline
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Re: Touch forgetting sever credentials on new iPhone 5

I have two questions that I believe are related to this topic:

Background (not relevant to the questions, but may explain why it matters :?)
I'm trying to do work in FileMaker, using FileMaker Go on my iPhone to scan barcodes, and using CNS-Barcode to get the UPC barcode numbers and barcode graphics. All this works fine. However, to then get the UPC information for the product, I had to set up a python script to go to, get, decode and place the info into a tab-separated text file, ready for import back into FileMaker. The catch is I can't run the python script or import function from FileMaker Go on the iPhone; these steps need to happen in FileMaker Pro on my Mac Mini server, which is, fortunately, also running Indigo. So, I created an Indigo Action Group that executes an AppleScript that runs two FileMaker Pro scripts on the server machine (yeah - can it get any more convoluted!!) that run the python script (with the just scanned barcode number) and import the data from the created text file.

Background (that is relevant to the problems)
I am trying to link to a RESTful URL for Indigo from within FileMaker Go on my iPhone, to run the Action Group on my Indigo server. If, the first time I link to the URL, I embed my username and password, the script executes in the FileMaker Go "browser window" and the action completes. After that, I can link to a version of the RESTful URL that does NOT have username and password, and it continues to execute correctly, until I exit FileMaker Go. Upon opening again, I need to use the username:password version again. Note - having the iPhone logged into the server with Indigo Touch, or not, does not seem to affect the need for the username:password. The same behavior occurs if I try to link to the RESTful URL in mobile Safari - I have to log in first time, but not again, until I quit and reopen mobile Safari.

Here's the two versions of the RESTful URL call:
http://username:password@ ... od=execute"

and ... od=execute

Question 1: Does the username:password pose a problem if executed within the same network as the server?

Question 2: Is this just a case of the FileMaker web browser storing the login information, but it not being persistent, as it is for Indigo touch?

Thanks for any help,

Posted on
Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:34 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Touch forgetting sever credentials on new iPhone 5

Hmm.. I'm not sure what FileMaker Go is doing exactly.

Is it important that the this particular action be password protected? If not, what about creating a PHP script on the Mac that runs from Apache that makes the restful Indigo Server call?


Posted on
Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:41 am
yergeyj offline
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Re: Touch forgetting sever credentials on new iPhone 5

matt (support) wrote:
Hmm.. I'm not sure what FileMaker Go is doing exactly.

I think all FileMaker is doing is generating a typical URL call, as would happen in Mobile Safari. The same thing happens there - if I make a call to the Indigo Server from Mobile Safari while on the local network (using username:password@ it connects and executes, albeit it with a warning about possible phishing, and subsequent calls do not require the password. Once I quit the Mobile Safari app, the next time I open it and make a call to execute an action I have to sign-in to Indigo (or enter the username:password in the URL) before it remembers and connects/executes without verification.

matt (support) wrote:
Is it important that the this particular action be password protected? If not, what about creating a PHP script on the Mac that runs from Apache that makes the restful Indigo Server call?

Unfortunately, if I want to speak to the Indigo Server from FileMaker Go, the only way to do that is with a URL call, at least as far as I can see; e.g. I cannot run even an AppleScript from the "Go" app, as those cannot execute on the iPhone itself. Also, I have no experience with using PHP. ;-)


Posted on
Fri Mar 29, 2013 10:54 am
jay (support) offline
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Re: Touch forgetting sever credentials on new iPhone 5

yergeyj wrote:
Question 1: Does the username:password pose a problem if executed within the same network as the server?

A problem how?

yergeyj wrote:
Question 2: Is this just a case of the FileMaker web browser storing the login information, but it not being persistent, as it is for Indigo touch?

So, webkit stores any authentication information for some period of time after it's connected to a secure site. FileMaker is just using a webkit view to show web content. Indigo Touch doesn't - we actually store the credentials inside Indigo Touch and authenticate as necessary so it always works. Indigo Touch doesn't render control pages via HTML so webkit is not used in any way. In fact, the inability to programmatically authenticate a webkit view is one of the reasons why control pages aren't rendered via HTML in Indigo Touch - we didn't want users to have to authenticate more than once to connect to their servers.

Jay (Indigo Support)
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