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Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 1:28 pm
by roussell
My iPhone 6Plus is on life-support. I've never had anything other than an iPhone since they were released, my previous other "smartphone" was a Windows CE device. :shock: I recently got a new iPhone Xs Max for my wife, and honestly I'm not impressed. Other than the speed increase and larger display, there just isn't much difference (to me) between it and my old 6. Also, it was $1,400 and I just don't know if the bang for the buck is there anymore. The new Samsung G10 phones look really impressive, as do the new Google Pixels, and I'm cool with Android in general...but...

I'm not worried about Indigo; DomoPad is f'ing fantastic, far better than the Indigo Touch client for the iPhones, but I'm worried more about the Apple ecosystem that I'd be leaving behind after so long. Everything from becoming a "green bubble" on everyone's texts (along with losing the features of iMessage), losing airdrop (which I use a lot with my wife) and the years of the iCloud backup security blanket. I never use Airplay or FaceTime, so not really worried about that, and rarely use Siri as Alexa owns the house and Google's Ai would be available on the go.

So, is there anyone here that has recently made the jump from iPhone to Android - if so how was the actual transition? Was it worth it? I know I'll have to re-buy some apps, which sucks, and relearn some things that are muscle memory by now with iPhone, but how was the actual transition for you? Is there life after iOS????


Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 2:57 pm
by jay (support)
roussell wrote:
far betting than the Indigo Touch client for the iPhones

You've moved "far" down in the help queue... :P

Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 3:46 pm
by Sevilsivle
The truth can sometimes be brutal...

Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:14 pm
by durosity
I've not switched to android but I have spent a lot of time in the ecosystem lately doing testing at work and frankly.. its worse than I remember. One of my biggest gripes about android has aways been the inconsistency in UI between apps.. and it really hasn't improved.. and it seems worse than ever when it comes to the UIs for different manufactures devices.. and even modifications made by telecoms companies to promote their own services.. The problem is too many people just don't care about these things :(

(not to say iOS is perfect.. I'm hoping Apple are going to start forcing developers to follow certain UI guidelines like video playback, not using android UI elements, etc)

Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:15 pm
by durosity
jay (support) wrote:
roussell wrote:
far betting than the Indigo Touch client for the iPhones

You've moved "far" down in the help queue... :P

Suddenly someone finally lower down the priority list than me in Jay's eyes!

Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:15 pm
by jay (support)
Sevilsivle wrote:
The truth can sometimes be brutal...

It was a joke (note the :P ), and certainly wasn't considered "brutal" by any means... :roll:

Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:23 pm
by roussell
jay (support) wrote:
roussell wrote:
far betting than the Indigo Touch client for the iPhones

You've moved "far" down in the help queue... :P

So that sound I heard coming from the West was the sound of my feature requests being deleted??? :lol: :lol:


Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:26 pm
by roussell
jay (support) wrote:
Sevilsivle wrote:
The truth can sometimes be brutal...

It was a joke (note the :P ), and certainly wasn't considered "brutal" by any means... :roll:

Don't lessen the slam by explaining it!!! If we start getting all touchy-feely here I'm gonna vomit in my mouth! :wink:


Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:32 pm
by roussell
durosity wrote:
I've not switched to android but I have spent a lot of time in the ecosystem lately doing testing at work and frankly.. its worse than I remember. One of my biggest gripes about android has aways been the inconsistency in UI between apps.. and it really hasn't improved.. and it seems worse than ever when it comes to the UIs for different manufactures devices.. and even modifications made by telecoms companies to promote their own services.. The problem is too many people just don't care about these things :(

(not to say iOS is perfect.. I'm hoping Apple are going to start forcing developers to follow certain UI guidelines like video playback, not using android UI elements, etc)

That's one of the things that worries me - the inconsistency. Samsung has done some work on refining it, but I think it's still a love/hate with their UI enhancements, although I guess that could be said of all UI/UX.

I'm going to milk the 6 until it completely dies -if it's week, or a year- and then decide. Maybe it will last until Sept. and Apple will pleasantly surprise me. :roll:

When Jay finally gets off his butt and rolls out a Linux version of Indigo it'll be easier to switch, having one less Apple product in the mix...


Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:33 pm
by durosity
Or just get a lovely iPhone XR. My wife has one and really I don’t see much difference between it and my Max.

Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 3:56 am
by DaveL17
I get that it's a bit relative and to each his own and all that, but I'm very happy with my XR (having upgraded from a 6S+). I listened to Gruber and think I made the right choice --that is, between the XS and XR. Android was never an option for me because I don't care for Google very much these days.

In the "think about it this way" department, I bought a name brand 80386 PC (with math co-processor!), monitor and keyboard in the early 90's and that cost me about $2,500 (in say, 1993 dollars.) Think about the difference between what that could do and what this silly phone can do for about a quarter of the price. Of course, I already spent my money so I just need to justify it. :D

For what it's worth, my wife has a Pixel and she's been having lots of trouble with OS bugs lately. The latest Android hardware's nice, though I have to admit.

Sidebar: can someone explain to me why I need a phone that folds in half??

Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:02 am
by norcoscia
Face ID is the best thing since sliced bread - my wife uses android but I do not like it - not that I think apple is perfect but I just think android is a lot less perfect. If you do switch I would stick with pixel - I think there is a lot of good when the HW and SW are coming from the same company - but the pixel is in the same price range so $$$ don't really come into play. Just my 2 cents....

PS. if you do switch don't tell me because I would be tempted to have some of my friends that live in Alabama come over to your house, knock on your door and then belly punch you when you answer it - don't mess with anyone from Alabama :-)

Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:50 am
by RogueProeliator
FWIW, I would take anyone's opinion that hasn't spent a good deal of time in both with a grain of salt. Virtually ANY change and transition makes you think that your old way was superior until you get used to it. It's human nature. People tend to see what they want and often that is the good things for what they are comfortable with and the bad things for those they aren't.

I actually have spent (and still do) significant time in both IOS and Android... I do have IOS devices despite what people here may think. :-) I can tell you truthfully and honestly that neither OS or hardware is just pure "better" in an overall sense. They both have their pluses and minuses. I've had a couple of friends that have switched, going both ways, and can relay a few things from their experiences and my own.

IOS -> Android
1. You will miss iMessage... nothing on Android is even remotely close to the convenience. The new RCS is close, and has nearly full carrier support so it will almost certainly succeed, but it isn't purely a Google effort so it will take another year or two. You can have your text messages go to the computer too, but it isn't the same.

2. Hardware is kind of a wash with Apple if you stick with a Pixel 3 or an S10, there are pluses and minuses on all of them. Overall, I would say Apple's devices in general feel like a better build, though once you put a case on them they kind of even out. The Apple devices tend to look better overall, but I don't give a flip about that, I want something that works, but it is a consideration if it will bother you. For example, the Pixel notch is hideous, but I don't even notice it anymore. The S10 is gorgeous, though, I haven't used it for any real amount of time (I don't own one). A quick IM with my friends just now seems like people haven't honestly cared either way.

3. Google's services take Apple's out to the woodshed, go grab a bite to eat, and go back out and whoop some more @ss. THIS is the reason I stay with Google, not the hardware. Google Drive and Photos alone will make you a believer in cloud services and show you what Apple NEEDS to be doing. My friends who have switched say this was the biggest loss going TO IOS (and they have tried to replace Apple's with Google's but it is never as cohesive as on Android).

4. Battery life on Android is a huge mixed bag... I don't care what any of the reviews and such say, IOS devices in a real world state seem to last longer for me. There are more options for Android, though, so you CAN get good battery life, but have to be careful. The Pixel 3 XL and Samsung S10+ both are good but overall I have heard complaints from many of the other phones with smaller batteries.

5. There is not Face ID on Android... a few have "Facial Recognition" and you shouldn't use it. Even the phones with it on there say don't use it. So you will use fingerprint. I loathe Face ID, though, so I don't miss it on IOS. However, I am one that likes to unlock the phone with the rear fingerprint sensor as it comes out of my pocket. If you have your phone on the desk a lot, you may be in the complete opposite camp and just be annoyed at not having it. Personal preference.

6. Most major software is virtually identical on both IOS, visual design aside. It used to be that the IOS versions were much better than on Android, but that is no longer the case for major vendors and, especially some of the European companies, has flipped. But no matter, I'd say if you stick with major developers you are fine. The Play Store is WAY less curated and has a bunch more junk than the App Store, but I don't really just look for sh!t to install so it doesn't bother me. If you are one that just installs stuff to test it, might be a consideration.

7. The desktop to phone to tablet transition (i.e. handing off what you are doing) is better on IOS. I don't have to do this often, but when I do I can say IOS whoops some butt in this regard.

8. Everyone said to give it time, going both ways. You have to get used to and immersed in the ecosystem to really feel it out. For instance, my Android to IOS friends report trying to hit the Back button over and over and over for weeks and weeks. My IOS to Android friends kept trying to find it in the top left.

9. The manufacturer overlays are NOT what @Durosity claims any more, sorry bud. They are far lighter weight than in the past. The carriers do all like to add their stuff in but Android allows you to "freeze" those apps so they are basically non-existent. Or just buy the phone unlocked and you won't have any on there to start with (that's what I do and recommend).

10. Updates - mixed bag, but in general the Pixels are on par with IOS and even faster, all others will be slower updating than you are used to having with Apple. Some smaller manufacturers seem to drop support quickly. Samsung used to be known for that but have been better the last few years. But still you have a 6-month delay from the Pixels. Long story short, if you don't get a Pixel your Apple-esque way of getting updates immediately after launch is gone.

11. Google Assistant is way better than Siri and Alexa for all things except HomeKit. Actually, Google's HA is very impressive and arguably more impressive than Apple's on the back end, but using Indigo with it won't be viable until Alexa support is added and new hardware definitely favors HomeKit.

In short, nearly all haters of each platform haven't spent the time in each to truly know the differences and advantages and disadvantages. There are a LOT of zealots out there and it is probably even harder to get an Android user to honestly evaluate IOS than the other way around - too much animosity towards Apple for some made up or imaginary reason. Both are excellent, both have their advantages and disadvantages, and you just have to see which "fits" for you. I like both, except for Indigo support, then I like Android better. LOL :)


Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 8:57 am
by roussell
norcoscia wrote:
PS. if you do switch don't tell me because I would be tempted to have some of my friends that live in Alabama come over to your house, knock on your door and then belly punch you when you answer it - don't mess with anyone from Alabama :-)

I think I know those people!! I had to laugh because I’ve done that exact thing and had it happen to me - we’re a different kind of cool ‘round here. ;)


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Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 9:05 am
by roussell

Wow man, thanks for that incredibly comprehensive and unbiased review. It’s extremely helpful and I’m sure I’ll reread it many times before I decide.

I have thought about the Xr, but the price point makes me feel like, “well if I just spend a few hundred more, I’ll get the Xs, with the better blah blah blah”. I’m sure that’s the point.

At the end of the day it’s not (just) about the money spent, it’s more the perceived value. Lots more thinking to do for sure.

Whichever I buy, I’ll go unlocked, and buy outright. If I go android I’ll buy from somebody with a generous return policy so if I chicken out I can run back to Apple without too much trouble.

I though about just buying a cheapo phone, and using the extra $ to mount a new iPad Prob in the truck, in a permanent custom molded enclosure, something like a redneck Tesla dash. That’s what I really want to do.... nothing that lots more money and time can’t solve


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