Anyone switched TO Android?

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Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:16 pm
durosity offline
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Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

RogueProeliator wrote:

9. The manufacturer overlays are NOT what @Durosity claims any more, sorry bud. They are far lighter weight than in the past. The carriers do all like to add their stuff in but Android allows you to "freeze" those apps so they are basically non-existent. Or just buy the phone unlocked and you won't have any on there to start with (that's what I do and recommend).

Good! Now in all fairness the ones I’ve been working on lately have been 1-2 years old and a mixed bag of different types but from various sources and I venomously hate any customisations so perhaps I’m a bit harsh on it. And good it can be “frozen” although I’d rather they weren’t there in the first place.

Also FaceID is awesome. Why do you hate it so?

Computer says no.

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Tue Mar 12, 2019 1:46 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Re: Anyone switched TO Android?

Good! Now in all fairness the ones I’ve been working on lately have been 1-2 years old and a mixed bag of different types but from various sources and I venomously hate any customisations so perhaps I’m a bit harsh on it. And good it can be “frozen” although I’d rather they weren’t there in the first place.

Indeed, a couple of years ago things were a different story -- several manufacturers are now distributing near-stock Android where in mainly the only customization is the addition of hardware compatibility. In the last few versions, Google provided a couple of new tools and means for manufacturers to separate those from the main OS so that they can provide faster updates, which necessitated limiting their customizations.

Now, Samsung still does their own thing but the new One UI (I think is their name du jour) is MUCH lighter weight... and some of those that are customized are actually helpful. It isn't like the old days of TouchWiz or Samsung Experience. I think LG still does a goofy skin but haven't kept up with them.

Also FaceID is awesome. Why do you hate it so?

I should clarify, I hate it with how I work on things and use my phone... I think it is an amazing technology and wouldn't try to persuade anyone from using it. It is probably just how I prefer to use the phone and habits; I suspect like with my previous description of others, if I would try it for a month or two I would adapt and get used to it. But I can be stubborn too with habits LOL.

I like the Pixels lock screen/always on system and being able to tap it for more but not unlock and just the flow of that is all. I have just barely played with Face ID tbh because of how it didn't work for my habits. It is just similar to the fingerprint sensor on front or back debate.

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