Re-sync whole home meter

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Thu May 25, 2017 1:52 pm
mroest offline
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Re-sync whole home meter

Hi Guys,

i have a; whole home meter (benext P1). It worked fine (reporting high and low power usages every 5 minutes). but since we have solar panels it fails constantly.
To restore it in indigo i have to open the device and click the define and sync button to re-sync the device.
I was wondering if this is possible with an apple script to do e.g. daily.

An other option would be to check for the last time it was updated and if that is longer than 24 hours send me a message so i can reset it manually.

I've tried a lot but couldn't get it to work. Any suggestions would be great.

Thanks in advance,


Posted on
Sun May 28, 2017 12:50 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Re-sync whole home meter

Hi Marc,

Is that the only module that is failing and requires the resync?

Can you copy/paste Event Log window results showing me the following:

1) the re-sync results before the problem occurs (presuming it is working, then just re-sync it right now).
2) what occurs around the time the home meter stops working.
3) the re-sync results that get it working again correctly.

I'm curious to compare the resync results before and after the event to see if there is a difference.

It isn't possible to re-sync a module via scripting currently. It has to be done via the UI. But perhaps there is a raw Z-Wave command you can send via scripting that will get it working.


Posted on
Tue May 30, 2017 12:03 pm
mroest offline
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Re: Re-sync whole home meter

Hi Matt, thanks for your message..

I had to do it the other way around.

here is the sync log when it was (partly) not working:
Syncing - started for "Meterkast - P1 - hoog"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved module neighbors list: 9, 11, 12, 13, 19, 29, 30, 32, 33, 38, 39
Z-Wave Syncing - assigning return route to "037 - Meterkast - P1 - hoog"
Z-Wave Syncing - assigned return route
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved manufacture and model names: Digital Home Systems - 008A, Whole Home Meter - 002F0100
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved protocol version 4.05, app version 0.10
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Meter : Whole Home Meter (04 : 31 : 03, base 00)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved command classes: 20v1 60v3 85v1 86v1 72v1 70v1 32v4 36v1 98v1 59v1 5Av1 56v1 7Av1 5Ev1
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved encrypt commands: - none -
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved capabilities: routing, beaming, security
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint types: 1:(31 : 01), 2:(31 : 01), 3:(31 : 01)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint classes: 1:[32], 2:[32], 3:[32]
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 1 associations: [1]
Z-Wave Syncing - group 1 association to interface already exists (skipping)
Z-Wave Syncing - complete

Then I refreshed both items from the device (it has 2 meters) working correctly and synced again.
sent "Meterkast - P1 - laag" energy status request
Z-Wave received "Meterkast - P1 - laag" energy total to 2197.509 kWh
Z-Wave received "Meterkast - P1 - laag" power load to 0 W
Z-Wave sent "Meterkast - P1 - hoog" energy status request
Z-Wave received "Meterkast - P1 - hoog" energy total to 1939.426 kWh
Z-Wave received "Meterkast - P1 - hoog" power load to 70 W
Z-Wave sent "Meterkast - P1 - hoog" energy status request

He're the sync log when it's working correct:
Syncing - started for "Meterkast - P1 - hoog"
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved module neighbors list: 9, 11, 12, 13, 19, 29, 30, 32, 33, 38, 39
Z-Wave Syncing - assigning return route to "037 - Meterkast - P1 - hoog"
Z-Wave Syncing - assigned return route
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved manufacture and model names: Digital Home Systems - 008A, Whole Home Meter - 002F0100
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved protocol version 4.05, app version 0.10
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved class hierarchy: Routing Slave : Meter : Whole Home Meter (04 : 31 : 03, base 00)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved command classes: 20v1 60v3 85v1 86v1 72v1 70v1 32v4 36v1 98v1 59v1 5Av1 56v1 7Av1 5Ev1
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved encrypt commands: - none -
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved capabilities: routing, beaming, security
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint types: 1:(31 : 01), 2:(31 : 01), 3:(31 : 01)
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved multi-endpoint classes: 1:[32], 2:[32], 3:[32]
Z-Wave Syncing - retrieved group 1 associations: [1]
Z-Wave Syncing - group 1 association to interface already exists (skipping)
Z-Wave Syncing - complete

I don't see any differences. I think that the errors start occurring when the solar panels generate more power than we use (so when the meter shows a negative amount.

Posted on
Tue May 30, 2017 6:59 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Re-sync whole home meter

When it fails to work correctly, how is it failing? Not reporting any energy usage?

When it is in the failure state what does having Indigo send a Status Request do?

Once we figure out what part of the re-sync gets it working, I should be able to tell you the raw Z-Wave commands to send. Hopefully, that will work.


Posted on
Wed May 31, 2017 1:42 pm
mroest offline
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Re: Re-sync whole home meter

I have a schedule refreshing the energy every 5 minutes.

Just to be sure. in the Netherlands we have high and low energy rates. High is during workdays from 7 till 23 and low is during the night and weekends.
This is stored in a digital meter and I have a zwave device plugged in to that meter.
This device is polled (both the high and the low meter) every 5 minutes.

When it fails it doesn't return the energy value for the low meter (which is the secondary device). When I re-sync the high meter (primary device) it does work again.

So all I do is actually asking for a status request for the primary and secondary device.

If I wait really long it also fails to update the primary device.

Posted on
Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:10 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Re-sync whole home meter

Can you please copy/paste from the Event Log an example of the status request (polling) failing?


Posted on
Mon Jun 05, 2017 2:02 am
mroest offline
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Re: Re-sync whole home meter

It just shows

Z-Wave sent "Meterkast - P1 - laag" energy status request

and doesn't show a return...

Unfortunately no specific details..

Posted on
Sat Jun 10, 2017 1:56 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Re-sync whole home meter

Let's try sending the command to "assign return route" to the module. The next time it fails, use the Interfaces->Z-Wave->Send Raw Command... menu item to send the following bytes:

0x46 37 01

Does the status request then work? If so, then you could set up a schedule that sends that command periodically.


Posted on
Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:06 pm
mroest offline
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Re: Re-sync whole home meter


Yesterday the total device was hanging and nothing worked so I removed the device from the plug for 2 minutes and tried again. It worked but yesterday late the secondary device stopped working. I tried sending the RAW command to both the primary and the secondary device without any result.

Re-syncing the primary device fixed the issue at once so the secondary device is reporting again. Is there another way/ command to reconnect the device? than I could run that every night for example.

Thanks again for your help.


Posted on
Wed Jul 05, 2017 7:37 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: Re-sync whole home meter

As it turns out the Send Raw Command cannot be used to send this particular command (it is special), so I just added a scriptable action to a beta of Indigo's Z-Wave library. You can download it here then double-click to install it (you might need to also double-click to uncompress it).

Once installed create a new Action Group in Indigo. Call it something like "heal home meter" and for the type choose Server Actions->Script and File Actions->Execute Script. Inside the big edit field (leave it as Embedded Python), copy/paste in:

Code: Select all
zwavePlugin = indigo.server.getPlugin("com.perceptiveautomation.indigoplugin.zwave")
zwavePlugin.executeAction("assignReturnRoute", deviceId=123456)

You need to tweak the script first though. Select the Devices table in the Main Window and the right-click on your home meter module and choose the 3rd to last item "Copy ID (???)." Go back to the script and paste the ID in place of the number I included as an example, 123456.

Next, save the Action Group and try to execute it. What does the Event Log window show? It should show that it assigned the return route for that module. Presuming it did, wait until the module stops reporting then try executing the Action Group. With any luck, it might work. If it does you can create a schedule that periodically executes the Action Group.


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