Google Home / Google WiFi / Pixel

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Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:52 pm
RogueProeliator offline
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Google Home / Google WiFi / Pixel

I know the majority of the board are Apple fans... but there are enough Google fans(and maybe Echo fans) to appreciate the announcement this morning. Here are some thoughts:

Google Home
Definitely some potential here to compete with Amazon Echo. It has a lot going for it - Google Now (Assistant I guess named now) is far better than Alexa at returning useful information, has Hue integration built in so hopefully can leverage the Hue plugin (perhaps without an arbitrary 25 device limit!), and has support for developers adding their own actions. Google's APIs tend to be a lot more open than Amazon, so here's hoping I can leverage Domotics Pad to add in a direct Action; but that API isn't fully flushed out yet so will have to wait and see.

The speaker looks significantly better than the Echo's and it has multi-room support ala Sonos.

Google WiFi
This sounds like it may replace my UniFi AP installation if the final product matches what they presented... Basically and intelligent mesh network with some form of hardware based hand-off, BUT the details were a little light. Still, for the price it may very well be worth it. On a side note, pausing the teenager's internet to make them come to dinner was an awesome example LOL.

Pixel Phones
Not exactly home automation related... except the Google Assistant actions sound extendable and MAYBE can help catch up to Apple's HomeKit in terms of phone-voice control of Indigo. The camera looks top-notch, though the back of the phone looked goofy. I love my Nexus 6P, but just pre-ordered a Pixel for a strange reason -- Verizon won't enable WiFi calling on my 6P because they don't sell it and I need that feature as my thermal radiant barrier on my roof lowers my signal enough to an issue at times.


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