WTB: as -> python coding

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Sun Mar 07, 2021 1:42 pm
dtich offline
Posts: 821
Joined: Sep 24, 2005

WTB: as -> python coding

hello all.

i have two or three fairly simple applescripts that run subsystems that are in desperate need of updating/translating to python so i can finally update os and hardware. now that noaa requires tls2 i have been officially screwed and must bite this bullet. i spent years building this system and it works brilliantly, but i haven't worked on it in almost a decade and no longer have the time to.

i have not the knowledge or the time to build the knowledge and am hoping someone out there who has would be interested in being paid to update my scripts and handlers so i can make this jump.

i am open to fair pay for good work.

if anyone is interested pls respond here or dm me, much much appreciated.


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Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:40 am
whmoorejr offline
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Re: WTB: as -> python coding

There is a forum for that :D .... "Help converting from AppleScript" viewforum.php?f=252

If you post the code on there, there's probably someone that has already written a similar code or a python guru that will come up with something.

Also by posting it, if someone else has the same issue, there will be a solution record available for the community.

I hope that helps.

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