Indigo Color Picker Inconsistencies

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Thu Oct 28, 2021 12:50 am
Mark offline
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Indigo Color Picker Inconsistencies

I'm wondering if the following is a known problem, or if there is an explanation or a fix for it, because it is driving me crazy.

When I'm working in the Edit Control Page interface, and select an element, and then the element's color controls, I get the typical Apple Color Picker. I generally like to use the Crayons interface of the Picker, because it's an easy way to select colors, remember which I used, and apply consistent colors across multiple elements. Except it doesn't work well!

For some elements, the applied "crayon" color will stick. Other times, I'll apply the color, then again to another element, then go back to the first to check, and the color has shifted. When I study the hex value, the applied color definitely changes. Sometimes it's some color that is "close enough." Other times it's quite noticeably different. This seems to happen no matter which interface of the Color Picker I try (crayon, RGB, hex, etc). And even more frustrating, if I accept the altered color, and try to apply that formula to another element, it shifts the color yet again, to a third color! And sometimes, applying the intended color to a static text element will result in an altered color that is different from applying the intended color to a text element that has a button or action associated with it. So neither element is the intended color, and they don't match each other, either.

It's quite maddening. I've taken to getting as close as I can, and then going into the database file to alter the color codes directly in the XML. This works, and sticks, but shutting down the server every time to make a quick color edits is obviously an awful approach.

I can go into more detail if I've not described this well enough. For now I'm just looking to see if others have run into this issue. If I recall, this has been going on for a long time, through multiple OS versions, hardware configurations and Indigo versions, so it'd be hard to believe it is something on my end...

Posted on
Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:09 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: Indigo Color Picker Inconsistencies

What version of Indigo are you using? Way back in v7.5 we fixed a problem with color selection accuracy. I just tried changing the background color of a control page to several different Crayon picker colors and they seemed to match well, so if you are seeing a problem and are on v2021 then describe the steps and I'll try to reproduce the problem.


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Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:21 am
Mark offline
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Re: Indigo Color Picker Inconsistencies

Thanks for the reply, Matt. Still on 7.4, actually. When I get to upgrading I'll let you know if it goes away. This might be the excuse I need to upgrade!

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