So frustrated!!!

Posted on
Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:36 am
Frjps offline
Posts: 8
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So frustrated!!!

I had the prism thing working but then had to delete my old Mac account & start over. Now I can get it to work & it's frustrating the hell out of me!

Here's the error message I keep getting (after trying several times):

Error failed to create reflector connection: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 4/Preferences/PrismReflector/ssh_config'
Error reflector reconnection scheduled in 15 minutes

Please help!

PS Under reflector status it says "Disabled"

Posted on
Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:24 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: So frustrated!!!

It looks like the file permissions and or owner for some of the prism reflector configuration files has become incorrect. Try the following:

1) Launch the Terminal application (inside /Applications/Utilities/)

2) Copy/paste the following line into Terminal. You will be prompted for your OS X admin account password, which needs to be entered so that all the steps complete successfully.

Code: Select all
sudo bash

3) Copy/paste each line below *individually* and hit the return key after each one:

Code: Select all
cd /Library/Application\ Support/Perceptive\ Automation/
cd Indigo\ 4/Preferences/PrismReflector
ls -al
chmod ugo-x *
chmod o-rwx *
chmod g-rw id_rsa
ls -al

4) Select all and Copy/Paste the entire contents of the Terminal window into a forum reply for me.

5) Open a new Terminal Window for the next 2 steps.

6) Copy/paste each line below *individually* and hit the return key after each one:

Code: Select all
cd /Library/Application\ Support/Perceptive\ Automation
cd Indigo\ 4/
ps -axww | grep "Indigo"
./ -m geturl -d
./ -m tunnel -d

7) Wait 3 minutes. It can take a while for the network errors we are trying to catch to be reported.

8) Copy/paste each line below *individually* and hit the return key after each one:

Code: Select all
ps -axww | grep "Indigo"
./ -m checktunnel -d

9) Select all and Copy/Paste the entire contents of the Terminal window into a forum reply for me. Also, quit and restart the Indigo Server to see if it is now working.


Posted on
Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:34 am
Frjps offline
Posts: 8
Joined: Apr 07, 2010

Re: So frustrated!!!

Well, thank you for all that information, but I had to actually end up restoring my Mac anyway so that took care of the problem. Except, while Indigo will work within my wifi area, it will not work anymore when I'm in 3G. Not sure what I have to do to fix this. Any ideas?

Again, thanks for the prompt & helpful response!

Posted on
Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:15 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: So frustrated!!!

When the Indigo Server starts, does it show that the Prism reflector is being created? Can you access it using the reflector URL in a browser?


Posted on
Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:35 pm
Frjps offline
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Re: So frustrated!!!

This is what I get in my browser: "Reflector connection is currently down.." Is it down on their end or mine though???

Posted on
Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:11 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: So frustrated!!!

It is down on your (Indigo Server) end. Stop and restart the Indigo Server, wait about 15 minutes, then copy/paste the contents of the Event Log window into a forum post so we can see what errors it is showing.


Posted on
Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:05 am
Frjps offline
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Re: So frustrated!!!

OK, so this is what I'm getting:

Aug 17, 2010 6:56:24 AM
Starting Indigo Server version 4.1.12
Loading attachments
"device target attachment.scpt" script loaded
"group target attachment.scpt" script loaded
"growl attachment.scpt" script loaded
"iTunes attachment.scpt" script loaded
"scenes attachment.scpt" script loaded
"time stamp attachment.scpt" script loaded
Error InitializeThread() caught exception: IllegalParameterError
Indigo Cocoa client authenticated
WebServer client authenticated
WebServer started on port 8176 -- authentication disabled

Aug 17, 2010 6:56:27 AM
Connected to PowerLinc 2413U interface
PowerLinc address 0F.9C.E8, firmware version 9.2
Reflector starting reflector connection to

Aug 17, 2010 6:56:55 AM
Received INSTEON "Motion Sensor" on (button 1)

Aug 17, 2010 6:59:35 AM
Received INSTEON "Motion Sensor" off (button 1)

Posted on
Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:22 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: So frustrated!!!

It looks like your reflector is up and working. If you are still seeing it down when accessing it via a Web browser, then what is the exact URL you are using?


Posted on
Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:39 pm
magicfeather offline
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God help me

This terminal cut paste above has completely wiped my preferences, files, and root folder. How do I get my stuff back? I tried to repair permissions for whatever this did, but no luck. I realize now that about 2 months ago I tried this same thing and was able to get it back, but now I can't.

I don't know what the heck this code does, but it's poison. You need to delete this thread.


Posted on
Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:44 pm
magicfeather offline
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Re: So frustrated!!!

I got it back. Somehow that code reset all my permissions to my entire home folder.

I still can't connect to the prism reflector. At least I can get my email again.


Posted on
Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:02 pm
matt (support) offline
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Re: God help me

I'm not sure what went wrong, but I just tried all of the lines suggested above and didn't have any problems.

Is your Terminal window still open? I'd like to see what happened.


Posted on
Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:11 pm
magicfeather offline
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Re: So frustrated!!!

It's ok - I changed permissions on my home folder to allow my username access (it reset the entire home folder) and got everything back. I've also been having lots of difficulty with the app connecting to prism reflector, but now that's good too.

This is what happened. I moved my server to another machine and copied all the application support files to the new one. You can't copy the prism reflector preferences files - you have to let the Indigo create brand new ones. I deleted those files, restarted the app/server, and voila - I have the option to activate a new prism reflector and life is good. Whew.

Thanks - and sorry for the drama. I should never touch this stuff until I've had my second cup of coffee.


Posted on
Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:40 pm
magicfeather offline
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Re: So frustrated!!!

Matt, would you mind emailing me? I've been casually using Indigo for about 2 years and I keep wanting to change the application (especially the GUI) to a more simple, "idiot" friendly format. If I know you'd consider it, I'd be happy to make a mockup of what I wish the application looked like. My company does lots of design for broadcast and we've dabbled with iOS development. I don't want anything from you - but I'd be happy to create a few rough mockups of how I wish it looked/worked.
I don't know if there are any plans for V5, but making it less programmer-centric and even simplifying terminology so that new users can make sense of it all would do wonders for it's popularity. For example, if the application could create it's own control pages, that would be pretty great.
My friends love seeing the things I do with the app, but it's impossible to recommend it to pretty much anyone because there's an incredibly steep learning curve if you're just a casual mac user. I'd like to help change that.


Posted on
Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:32 pm
bschollnick2 offline
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Re: So frustrated!!!

magicfeather wrote:
I don't know if there are any plans for V5, but making it less programmer-centric and even simplifying terminology so that new users can make sense of it all would do wonders for it's popularity. For example, if the application could create it's own control pages, that would be pretty great.
My friends love seeing the things I do with the app, but it's impossible to recommend it to pretty much anyone because there's an incredibly steep learning curve if you're just a casual mac user. I'd like to help change that.


I don't have any more information than you probably do... But from what Matt has described in the forums... I believe that v5 will have the infrastructure to allow some major changes in v5.

For example, the plug-in model for the add-ons will allow me to make the security system significantly more user-friendly, mainly by removing the requirement for users to modify the security script to make it work....

Now, the issue that I see, is that there is going to be period of time where we all will have to learn to use the new features, and update our code....

So, I don't know what changes v5 will bring to the out-of-the box experience, but I expect that Matt & Jay have been working on it to make things better... But I expect that many plug-ins, add-ons, and 3rd party modules will have the opportunity to be greatly improved by v5.

- Ben

My Plugins for Indigo (v4, v5, and v6) -

Security Script for v4 -
for v5 -

Support Forum(s) -

Posted on
Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:01 am
matt (support) offline
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Re: So frustrated!!!

Hi John,

You can email any suggestions you might have to us at We definitely have plans on making Indigo easier to use, although it can be difficult (or rather time consuming) to balance the power/flexibility our users want along with the usability/ease-of-use that beginner users need.


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